What Role Will Bi-Vocational Ministry Play in the Future of the CRCNA?

Letter from John Bolt, Chief Financial Officer, CRCNA:
What Role Will Bi-Vocational Ministry Play in the Future of the CRCNA?
If you are curious about this question or want to have input into the discussion, please consider joining me for a free event happening April 24-25 in Grand Rapids, Mich.
We will be discussing and discerning how we—pastors, classis representatives, seminarians, and church leaders—can work together to strengthen bi-vocational ministry within our denomination. We’d like to hear from you about where we are at, and then talk with you as we envision together where we are going. We will hear from a variety of Calvin Theological Seminary professors, CRCNA leaders, and national author Hugh Halter. We’ll also hear stories from several bi-vocational CRC pastors serving in different contexts.
This event is free to attend, but you are required to register so that we can plan for your meals accordingly. If you are coming from out of town, we’ve also arranged for a special rate at the Doubletree hotel. Please reserve your accommodations by April 2 to qualify.
Get details and register below!
I hope you will prayerfully consider this opportunity. Ministry today is not the same as it was even a few years go. We’d love to have a broad spectrum of voices at the table as we discuss this issue and what it means for the future of the Christian Reformed Church.
I hope to see you there.
Your partner in ministry,
John Bolt
Chief Financial Officer, CRCNA
Director, Financial Shalom Project
P.S. Are you a bi-vocational CRC pastor? Share your candid, anonymous feedback in this bivocational survey (which will help frame the discussion at the gathering). Thanks!
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