Is It Well With Your Soul, Spiritual Leader?

You are a spiritual leader. You probably provide spiritual leadership in multiple areas of your world. So do I.
I find that serving as a spiritual leader is an indescribable privilege; to have received permission to be a shepherd serving under that great Shepherd of his sheep still astounds me every day: I, Syd Hielema, a cracked jar of clay, am a vessel for “the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ” (II Cor. 4: 6). Unbelievable.
But I also find that the exercise of this privilege frequently beats up my soul. Maybe you find that too.
Here are some of the ways my soul gets beat up:
One of the most comforting sentences for me in the entire Scriptures is tucked into the middle of Psalm 23: “He restores my soul.”
And I’m grateful for the recently prepared “Pastors’ Spiritual Vitality Toolkit” (see below) that comes to us courtesy of Pastor Church Resources and Faith Formation Ministries.
The toolkit is filled with ideas and guidelines for restoring the souls of spiritual leaders, ideas that are practical and achievable. The toolkit uses the “menu” approach, suggesting many different options in such a way that everyone can find one or two that will be soul-restoring for him or her. Many of the ideas are supported by testimonies from pastors and other spiritual leaders describing how a specific practice was personally restorative. In other words, these practices have been tried and tested by our companions on the journey of soul-restoration.
I myself am currently engaged in seven of the practices the toolkit recommends (yes, I am a high needs person!), and I am being blessed by all seven. In addition, in the last half year I’ve led several workshops for spiritual leaders to help them engage with this toolkit, and have found the response overwhelmingly encouraging.
What about you? How goes it with your soul, spiritual leader? Is the Lord restoring your soul?
I’d encourage you to spend an hour on the toolkit website, pondering and praying over how one or two of its ideas might be used by the good Shepherd to restore your soul.
Council, Pastors
Council, Pastors
Council, Pastors
Pastors, Church Renewal
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