Preventive Maintenance against Sermon Stealing

Reading the recent article in The Banner called “I Think the Pastor Stole that Sermon” got me thinking about sermon stealing. Over the years I’ve read a lot of articles on the topic of plagiarism, but I don’t recall that any of them provided concrete suggestions on how to prevent and/or stop this stealing sin. It’s been my experience that if we want either to stop a certain sin or avoid temptation, we need to prepare in advance. Let me offer some suggestions I’ve used for many years in the busy routine of pastoring to keep myself from the ever-present temptation of plagiarism:
Is sermon stealing really more frequent today, or is it just easier to track down with Internet checks? Could this problem be fueled by pastors having too many responsibilities and/or trying too hard to live up to what they think others expect of them? What do you think?
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Two comments:
1. It's not new. There is an incident from the life of Ben Franklin. Franklin's young pastor was accused of using someone else's sermons. Franklin's comment was, I'd rather he preach a good sermon that someone else wrote than a poor one that he wrote.
2. All of George's "preventions" are from the point of view of how to prevent yourself from stealing someone else's sermon. I would like to suggest a better "prevention" which will prevent other people from stealing yours: write sermons that are so true to your life and so true to the specific life of the congregation before you that they would look silly if stolen and preached by someone else.
In my editing at Zondervan, I worked on a book entitled Should We Use Someone's Else's Sermon? by Scott Gibson. It is filled with lots of good information. One thing in particular I remember is that in some subcultures, it is almost honorable to use words and phrases of famous preachers of the past or even the present (and not necessarily with acknowledgment). But the author strongly speaks against wholesale adoption of the sermons of others. The last chapter is is entitled, "Preaching in a Cut-and-Paste World," where the author mentions websites out there that are intended to be resources for preachers (and many vignettes are unsigned).
If you are going to use someone else's sermon wholesale, you might want to consider having an elder read it instead. The main problem with using or reading someone else's sermon is that people can dream up all kinds of reasons why the sermon probably doesn't apply to them. In addition, there is a good likelihood that it won't apply to their situation in a pertinent sense, either because it didn't come from the local situation needs, or because the method of delivery creates a distance. In some cases however, a reading sermon may be preferable to a locally written sermon, hopefully not too often.
Both as a university chaplain and as a prof, I often found that students were troubled about the way they saw their pastors and youth group leaders using sources. They often looked at it as a personal issue: "how come he can paraphrase big hunks of Tim Keller without saying so, but I get nailed if I do that in a paper!?" Rarely did they want to admit that their pastor was being unethical. In the academic world plagiarism is a HUGE sin. In the church world it seems to be a minor one. To me this is a shameful dilemma.
The solution that I have advocated for pastors and youth group leaders is that they borrow freely -- and give the citations and credit freely. I like it very much when a pastor says something like "portions of this mesage have been gleaned from...(a variety of sources... three particular authors... whatever...) and you are welcome to check them out if you are interested. The details are posted (in the bulletin... in the hall outside my office... wherever)." This keeps the sermon free of distracting creditings, makes it clear that the preacher does not claim total originality and wants to give the sources their due, and lets geeks like me track down sources and ideas that interest me.
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