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Have you ever had trouble finding leaders for your Story Hour/Little Lambs Ministry?  Perhaps you could consider your pastor!  Pastor Ray Vander Kooij, at Bethel CRC in Acton, ON, CAN has been helping out with Story Hour in his church for a number of years.  Until recently when he injured his foot, Pastor Ray was part of a rotation schedule that had him serve monthly, by telling the story as well as planning and preparing a simple craft, playtime and songs.  Ray sees it as modelling the way that Jesus received and loved children.

Pastor Ray goes on to describe his perspective of this ministry as a ‘Ministry of Presence’.  Simply being present with others in various aspects of ministry is a great opportunity to get to know people, to develop rapport and to break down the barrier of being the ‘Pastor’ or the guy up front.  Serving in Story Hour/Little Lambs is one way of demonstrating to others that nothing is beneath him, but rather that he’s willing to serve in all areas as others do.  In addition, Ray has had many opportunities for connection as he also likes to drop in at GEMS, Cadets, Seniors ‘Knit and Chat’, as well as grab a coffee while connecting with the women at Coffee Break.

Ray tells of a special encounter with a little girl.  As other children were engaged in watching a video, one little girl pulled away and sat by herself.  Ray took the opportunity to sit and colour with her, giving her some one-on-one time, allowing her to connect with an adult in a special way.  In addition, about half of the women who come to Coffee Break do not attend Ray’s church.  Serving in Story Hour gives him an opportunity to connect with all families in a unique way.

Ray isn’t the only one who serves in this way; Youth Pastor Andrew Nunn has also taken his turn and loves to serve the children in Story Hour/Little Lambs.  For the women who come to Coffee Break, and bring their children, it has been a blessing to see the pastor serving in this important ministry to children. 


  • Can you share an innovative way that you have secured staff for your Story Hour, Little Lambs or Nursery?
  • Do you have other ideas about SH, LL & Nursery that you could share?

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