G.R.A.C.E. - This acrostic idea did not originate with me; unfortunately, I don’t even remember who I heard preaching about it, nor do I remember all of his words intended for the title of G.R.A.C.E. In any event, this is my original poem and thoughts, having heard only the tail end of that sermon. In this Lenten season, I thought my previously unpublished simple poem and reflection might help us contemplate all Jesus did for us with his gracious gift of love.
Grace can be defined as an elegance, a refined charm. Speaking of a practiced ballerina, or champion ice skater, brings to mind a picture of elegance and graceful beauty in motion. But grace is also defined as unmerited favor, like the rescue or redemption from evil. And thus, the word grace brings into focus the unmerited gift of salvation. As another acrostic online puts it - “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” How fitting!
Grace is a gift, something we don’t deserve and we can’t do for ourselves. It’s a reaching out by God toward us, especially as He displays His love for us through His Son, Jesus. Who would ever think that God would send His beloved Son to earth from His heavenly home of glory? Who would think that He would allow His Son to be born into this world of woe, a world of evil? Who would think that this man, who claimed to be the Son of God, would grow up to live among us… that He would not live an easy life of posh luxury because of who He was… that in living with us He would be tempted as we are, face ridicule and mocking for His love of sinners, the downtrodden, the untouchables – and that He would heal them, and tell them their sins were forgiven? And who would have expected that our great God would allow His Son, His one and only beloved Son, to die a horrendous and painful death on a Roman cross for sins that he didn’t even commit?
Just for us? For the sins of each one of us? Why? Because of His great love for us! And we don’t even have to satisfy a list of requirements to please our God for Him to love us! So, how do we fathom such a priceless gift… if not for the eyes of grace. In Romans 3:23 we are told that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Yet, “…it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
And out of a thankful heart for such grace and mercy comes our grateful attitude. For in our day-to-day relationship with our Lord, we long to please Him, grow closer to Him, and honor Him in all that we do. And therein lies our grateful relationship with an attitude of confession and endurance...
A Grateful Relationship with an Attitude
of Confession and Endurance
by Linda A. Roorda
With grateful praise I sing of Your grace
For who am I that You would claim me.
Yet love me You do, knowing my frailties
And stubborn penchant to go my own way.
My relationship grows by walking with You
Though there are times I take You for granted.
I hear Your voice, but don’t always heed
Draw me still closer as love grows stronger.
My attitude then will change over time
As wisdom grows to honor Your word.
That like a mirror Your Grace I’ll reflect
For all to see Your love shining through Me.
May I confess the wrongs I have done
Let me not keep secrets hid away.
Though You know all, You ask that I come
Seeking Your face and forgiving grace.
Grant me endurance and strength for the trials
Knowing You light the path that I walk,
And should I stumble, draw me near to You
As You wait with grace and mercy’s sweet peace.
God's Redemption At Christ's Expense--never forgot that Catechism lesson:)
Glad this was a reminder for you, Brianna! I never had that in my CRC Catechism lessons too many years ago :)
You're welcome!
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