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How Do You Choose to Give? World Renew Makes Top 10 of International Charities

The season of Advent is often associated with giving. We give each other gifts at Christmas, and we often consider other ways that we or our families can give back to our communities or help those who are less fortunate. Whether it is donating warm clothes to a homeless shelter, dropping off a toy for a child in need, or making a year-end charitable gift, we long to show our gratitude for God’s gift of his son by giving to others.
How do you choose where to give your time and resources each Advent?
On November, 15, MoneySense magazine attempted to help Canadians make good charitable choices by revealing their Canada’s top-rated charities 2019 list. Several Christian organizations, including World Renew, hold a spot on the international list included in the top 100. MoneySense’s goal is to give Canadians the financial and governance information they need about charities in order to make informed decisions about their giving.
I suspect that for many Christian families, decisions around giving are determined by much more than financial data.We might consider whether an organization holds Christian values, or what its total impact is on our community or world. We might choose organizations affiliated with our church, or ones that we've previously volunteered for.
I suspect that for many Christian families, decisions around giving are determined by much more than financial data.
World Renew’s impact goes far beyond the scope of the financial data that MoneySense uses in their rating process. That’s one of the reasons why my family’s Advent tradition has been to take some time together to look through their gift catalogue and choose a few items to give within our budget. My husband and I have continued this tradition in our own way as a reminder of what this season is about.
World Renew’s impact goes far beyond the scope of the financial data that MoneySense uses in their rating process.
How do you choose to give your gifts of gratitude? What factors go into your charitable decisions?
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Thanks Rachael. World Renew is high on our list as well. Each year my kids save 10% of the money they've received over the year and choose how to donate it at Christmas. We've tried to help them learn how to use these funds wisely, but to also use it for causes that mean something to them. This year, one is donating to the local animal shelter because she wants to help stray animals in our city. The other is leaning towards a gift catalog gift.
What a neat way to involve and encourage your kids to be involved in giving!
Once I decide that an organization is worthy, I put it in a list. I edit it from time to time, in case I get bad news or good news. To choose from such a large list of worthy causes, I let a program decide from time to time which organization is to be supported, so that I am not influenced by carefully crafted appeals.
Great idea, sometimes the number of organizations talked about can be so overwhelming.
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