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I'm really not much of a podcast listener, but I will put in a plug for two (the only two I've listened to with any regularity) CRC-centric podcasts, Reformed Podmatics and The Messy Reformation.
I absolutely second these. These podcasts are both hosted by CRC Pastors yet too.
I wrote a review actually on Reformed Podmatics for anyone interested; https://www.abideproject.org/articles/podcast-review-reformed-podmatics
My #1 fave is On Being with Krista Tippett. Cannot be beat! Krista received a President's Award and it is well-deserved. She interviews people with such grace and thoroughness. She's amazing.
I also love a kind of spin-off from On Being called Poetry Unbound with Padraig O'Tuama. He works with the On Being project. Krista met him several years ago while he was heading the Corameela institution. He is an Irish poet and also a theologian, although his Christianity is evolving all the time. In the podcast, he reads a poem, reflects on it, then reads it again. Kind of like Poetica Divina. He has put a whole new interest and slant on poetry for me and millions of others.
Mockingcast is one of my favorites, too. Three hosts who are Anglican priests talk about articles and writings that "show places where there is grace and the absence of it." Sarah Condron, one of the hosts, makes me both laugh and cry with her straight-talking honesty.
Kate Bowler hosts Everything Happens. She wrote the book Everything Happens for a Reason And Other Lies I've Loved based on her story as a Duke Theological Professor who thought her life was the perfect incarnation of her dreams--married to her high school sweetheart, mother of a son she finally had after years of trying, dream job--and then was diagnosed with Stage 4 abdominal cancer. She now lives with chronic pain and chronic cancer. You would never know it. She's full of hope, gratitude, cheerfulness, interest in others, pure joy. She interviews people with such generosity and kindness, and I always come away feeling like I've learned how to live better.
Others I listen to:
I listen to quite a few others, but these are top favorites. I'm kind of a podcast fiend, as you can see.
I listen to only a few podcasts. I spend more time reading apologetics articles and certain blogs.
I listen to The Natasha Crain podcast, Alisa Childers, and str.org. STR stands for Stand To Reason.
Highly recommend the following:
The Confronting Christianity Podcast with Rebecca McLaughlin
Back Porch Theology with Lisa Harper
Theology in the Raw with Preston Sprinkle
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
I've heard good things about the Theology in the Raw podcast. I've watched/heard some of Preston Sprinkle's other work & have been very impressed.
Also, I would be interested to check out Rebecca McLaughlin's podcast. I hear that she is actualyl presenting in the Abide Lecture series soon. Will be interesting to check out too I'm sure
I always listen to the following podcasts during my regular gym workouts:
1. The Bible for Normal People -- by Pete Ens and Jared Byas - Interviews with Biblical scholars from a variety of universities and various faith traditions.
2. Biologos - started by Dr. Francis Collins. Interviews and discussions dealing with the compatibility of science and faith.
A couple podcasts that I listen to all the time & find really edifying in my Christian walk:
1) The Briefing by Dr. Albert Mohler; a daily podcast where he discusses "current news & events from a Christian worldview". It really makes you think about the importance of viewing the world through the lense of Scripture.
2) "The World & Everything in it". A daily news/journalism podcast that presents both short & long-form journalism from an objectively Christian worldview, in a way that "informs, educates & inspires". I believe they are produced in partnership with Dordt University
3)"Renewing Your Mind" with RC Sproul- released daily, it's about half an hour of solid, biblically reformed sermons & Christian teaching, often from the late Dr. RC Sproul of Ligoneer Ministries
4)Again, I second Eric VanDyken's above suggestions of Reformed Podmatics & The Messy Reformation. Both are wonderful
5) I highly suggest checking out the 2 different Abide Project podcasts; one is the Devotional pocast, released twice a week & the 2nd is a podcast of the audio from the various lectures that Abide hosts. Really great content.
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