Network family! What books are you reading, or hoping to read, this summer?
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Network family! What books are you reading, or hoping to read, this summer?
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I do my book shopping and exploring with the dozens of Free Little Libraries that are in walking distance of our condo. Almost every possible subject is available.
I am a senior "senior citizen" and don't want to know what I don't need to know thus I read mostly fiction.
We are shrinking our personal library of books with small print and that our kids will never read. A neighborhood book store accepts all books and gives credit for those they can sell and donates the rest. The credit is used for buying books at half price. They also have a fund to give books to teachers and students the same deal. They get our books that might have some value.
I am (re)reading non-fiction about my place in the Kingdom of God: "Rediscover Church" by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman is a pastoral explanation of the essential importance of gathering in-person for worship as the Church of Christ; "A Life Well Lived" by Tommy Nelson is a clearly presented journey through wilderness to understanding God's absolute goodness, looking at Ecclesiastes in the Bible.
I'm hoping to start "The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves", by Shawn Ginwright. - Erin Knight (He was just featured on Brene Brown's podcast!)
Jesus Feminist - Sarah Bessey
Indians on Vacation - Thomas King
I've had it on my shelf for a long time, but have always planned to read Timothy Keller's "The Reason for God" (2008). Maybe this is finally the summer for it? Also Susan Beaumont's "How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You're Going" (2019).
Our Men's Group of 10 guys is reading Neal Plantinga's latest book, "Under the Wings of God." It is outstanding, rich, beautiful. 20 short chapters, full of wisdom, truth and grace!
Jonathan Eig's new biography of Martin Luther King is so powerful! Great insights for churches and church leaders as well. He incorporated a lot of recent scholarship, including a recently discovered unpublished biography of MLK Sr. Highly recommended!
Amy L. Sherman's Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good [A beautiful work describing the way God desires us to focus all our activities on being the tzadekim "righteous rulers" of God's Kingdom. My colleague, Chad and I are reading in preparation for our fall series "Work And"]
Also, loving reading aloud with the family C.S. Lewis' space trilogy. Right now we're in Perelandra, Lewis' exploration of a world without sin. I am continually blown away by his ability to put theology in a picture. Explores obedience based on loving the good and the need for a place to exercise obedience apart from our self-serving desire—very powerful.
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