Need or Desire for a Repository of Worship Visuals?

At the Calvin Symposium on Worship today, the suggestion was made for a repository of worship visuals and ideas for visuals be created. A place to show and tell what we did and why — for inspiration and, if permission is granted, for borrowing. Worth doing?
General Worship, Women in Leadership
General Worship, Pastors
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I'm in!
I'd bookmark and peruse it for sure! S.
We would definitely appreciate any visual resources. We would like to see the denomination produce visuals that go with other items they produce (such as bulletin covers, handouts, etc.). Our church, as do many others, use photography that was done by our members in some of our visuals. Anything we could share with other churches would be great!
Great idea! I'm always looking for more images and ideas that are available for public use.
I would love to have more ideas available to me. I also agree about the CRC creating more images available like the bulletin covers, etc...
I would say it would be worth doing. Any images that would go along with bulletin covers would be great.
Ditto to all of the preceding comments. Some of our virtual 'powerpoint' visuals have created positive (and negative!) discussion, so there's room for enhancement here.
With respect to physical visuals, why not set up a site where folks can send photos of the visuals in and around their worship space? Just an idea, Dave and others!
That would be great. It's hard to find good visuals.
I see the value in it. I'd participate. I'm fortunate to have a professional graphics designer who does amazing work on our powerpoint slides for our sermon series'.
I'd be interested to see what comes of this. At our church we've been trying to develop a guideline for our IT team for images on the screen. Needless to say, we haven't been very successful! Having a trusted source to send them to in the meantime would be quite helpful.
I'll chime in! We'd love to see more visual resources, even things like backgrounds for worship slides. It is often hard to find backgrounds that work well with text on the whole slide. (e.g. If there is a fade from light to dark on the slide and you use a dark text, it shows up on the contrasting light areas, but not on the dark areas.) Muted pictures with a consistent color, textured solids, or like-colored patterns would be welcome additions to resources!
Yes, this would be great. My husband is currently designing such a website which will start with many of the visuals we use at Jubilee. This site can be linked with the CICW one, and can also be accessed by other churches. So much time goes into these visuals that sharing them with others makes immanent sense. We hope to have this public by this year's symposium. I've been designing worship backgrounds for several years now and would love to share with others.
This would be fantastic! i would also suggest that this type of resource should inlude more multisensory ideas, rather than just digital media or banners. This could include things like concrete props, smells, and sounds. These types of things make the message/scripture come alive so that people--especially the younger generations--can remember and apply these truths to their lives.
There is a great book on things like this which would be great for a pastor and worship committee to read, its called The Power of Multisensory Preaching and Teaching by Rick Blackwood. Here is the amazon link:
Dean, any progress on this idea (a repository of worship visuals)? Is this something you were thinking of trying to make happen or just food for thought or...??
There's a website all ready to go to serve as a repository. A few churches are on board and more are most welcome.
You can contact me directly by email if you want more information or send jpgs, etc., for uploading.
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