General Worship, Faith Practices
Worship: Lent
During Lent we journey to the cross. Checkout this list of resources to help you along that journey.
Lent Resources
Webinar: Planning for Lent and Easter
Decisions for Lenten Worship Planning
Lent Worship Planning with 'Lift Up Your Hearts'
Planning Lent Worship with Lift Up Your Hearts
Family Faith Formation Resources: Lent
Helping Children Understand the Season of Lent
Worship Resources About Racism and Racial Reconciliation
Ann Arbor CRC Lent Video: Kingdom and Cross
A Lent Bulletin Insert and an Invitation
New Lent Resource and Bulletin Insert
Justice and Hope Sunday- Worship Resources
Building a Worship Vocabulary of Lament
4 Lent Devotionals to Check Out
Lent Series Preaching and Worship Ideas
Lament and Leadership in the Ashes
Lent in the Christian Reformed Tradition
Holy Week
Were You There? A Dramatic Retelling of the Good Friday Story
Daily Worship for Holy Week and Easter
The Wrath of the Lamb: A Tenebrae Service
A Solomn Good Friday Prayer During the Covid-19 Pandemic
A Time to Weep- Lamenting on Good Friday
At the Cross: A Service of Lament
Palm Sunday Responsive Call to Worship
Palm Sunday Ideas for Including Kids in Online Worship
God's Big Easter Story: A Holy Week Journey for Families
The Creator's Sacrifice-- Holy Week Guide
For Easter resources see: Worship: Easter
For more worship resources see: Reformed Worship
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