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Fantastic question, Staci! I serve at Third CRC in Kalamazoo, MI as Director of Worship Arts. Throughout the Michigan "Stay Home, Stay Safe" executive order and in recent weeks, we've been pre-recording all of our worship services. Currently, we are moving toward live-streaming on Sunday mornings (after making a significant financial investment in upgrading the audio, visual and lighting capabilities in our sanctuary). This past Sunday (June 28), we held our first in-person worship gathering since March 8 as an outdoor service, with plans to have one again next Sunday, July 5. Beginning July 12, we'll be inside the building, but with significant precautions in place (physical distancing, hand sanitizer stations, communion with pre-packaged elements, limited congregational singing with masks required, pre-registration for contact tracing purposes, and two service times to accommodate the limited capacity).

This is a phenomenal topic of conversation! I've had previous experience serving as an intern at Granite Springs CRC in Sacramento, CA. They've done a marvelous job of involving kids every Sunday by having an elementary-aged child memorize and recite the Call to Worship. Usually it's just a few verses from a Psalm, but it's been a powerful way for that congregation to live in the beauty of intergenerational worship. I agree with Ruth Ann: the recitations should always serve the liturgy! If you're in a regular pattern of having a scriptural call to confession or assurance of forgiveness, this would also be a great place to involve children. If you're looking for more information, feel free to email Pastor Kevin Adams from Granite Springs Church (, and I'm sure he'll have more resources for you. 

Excellent article, Pastor Baker!! I'm especially thankful to now be serving on staff at Third Church in Kalamazoo and to be following in your footsteps. (I should also add: I am a HUGE fan of StrengthsFinder for team ministry). 

Hello! I'm currently serving as Interim Worship Leader at Second CRC in Grand Haven, and I absolutely love my job! I also have the joy of being an M.Div student at Calvin Seminary in the distance learning program. Additionally, I am thrilled to serve as the Calvin Seminary student representative on the CRCNA Worship Ministries Advisory Committee. 

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