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Hi Becky,

I'm a volunteer disability advocate and graduated from Dordt College (now University) with a minor in art...nice to meet you!


I attended the Gathering in Sioux Center this past spring, thanks for coming to speak with us. I especially appreciate your point of focusing on what people CAN do...everybody serves!

What a wonderful opportunity to speak for a pro-life rally! Thanks for sharing your story, Sarah. Every life is a precious gift to be received with joy, just as your parents did.  HOPE is powerful!

I just finished reading Unplanned about Abby Johnson, former director of Planned Parenthood clinic, who got out of the abortion industry and joined the pro-life ranks...powerful book that shows humanity on both sides of the issue; a worthwhile movie too!!

Great profile post on Notre Dame! The immensity of the architecture, the tragic loss by fire, and our Lord's enduring presence moved me, also, to write:


Michele, thank you for this article on bearing our cross, particularly the cross of mental illness. There is mental illness in my family, like many families, and it can be a heavy burden, especially in times of crisis. But there is hope and help in bearing each others' burdens as well!

Unfortunately, many people with mental illness don't have as much self-awareness as you. When the brain is affected, normal thought process and discernment are impaired so, often, the person does not realize they are ill or that their thinking/behavior is not tied to reality. Thanks for explaining the difference between schizophrenia and dissociative personality disorder...schizophrenia is NOT "split personality".

This has really got me a true Christian a "fundamentalist"? We should be passionately devoted to Christ who said, "You are either for me or against me" which also divides the world into 2 "camps" but unbelievers are not our enemies (even if satan is)...they are fellow sinners in need of Jesus, our Savior!

I'm not a pastor but I have a poetry blog and sometimes write about scriptural stories/characters.  Check it out at:

I think you make an important point that depression is not simply feeling sad. "Non-feeling" or "numb" are good descriptions.  I attend a NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illiness) support group for people with mental illness and family members and find it helpful.

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