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We will be opening up our sanctuary in a few weeks and hosting an indie Christian singer/songwriter from North Carolina ( - definitely check out her music!) in a concert that we are promoting to as many coffee shops and other churches as will allow our flyers! Here in Salt Lake City, live music from Christian artists is a rarity -- everyone seems to pass us by on their way to the Pacific Northwest or Southern California.  So we hope to fill our space with believers and non-believers for a lovely evening of songs and stories from Jess Ray! And it all came about from her instagram post a month ago wondering if anyone in Utah would want to host her. We jumped at the opportunity! We are excited to embark on this new adventure and encourage community through creativity and the gospel.

Just a quick update on using our space for a concert venue: we had 90 people, some who traveled an hour and a half to attend. Pastors from five different churches (only one CRC) attended and much of my conversation with people was explaining who we are as a church! Everyone was so blessed by the gathering together of believers and non-believers for a lovely evening of story and song. 

We’ve always celebrated communion once a month. However, we decided to celebrate it and focus our teaching on it for the entire month of October. Our people seemed to be extremely blessed and there’s a bit of a “buzz” about doing it weekly. Our council will be discussing that possibility during this week’s meeting. 

Your timing with this question is perfect!

Here are some of the best books I've read in 2022:

"The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" and "Live No Lies", both by John Mark Comer

"Truth Over Tribe" by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon

"Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Staton

"The Second Mountain" by David Brooks

"Liturgy of the Ordinary" by Tish Harrison Warren

"The Color of Life" by Cara Meredith

"The Making of Biblical Womanhood" by Beth Allison Barr

"The Dictionary of Lost Words" by Pip Williams

"His Name Shall Ever Be" from Providence Worship Collective in Frisco, TX.  Available on spotify.

Sample lyrics: We stand on this hope that Jesus came and He's coming back again, He's coming back again./The One who defeated death and sin; He's coming back again, He's coming back again./ (chorus) Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father/ Prince of Peace, His name shall ever be, Jesus, Savior...

Solid biblical lyrics; I'd call it an Advent Anthem!  Enjoy.

Ask N.T. Wright Anything

John Mark Comer/Practicing the Way

Truth Over Tribe

Sharon Says So - because she's brilliant and informative about government and American history and we all need a good dose of that! ;-)

I'd like to explore more deeply the practice of hospitality.  I'm actually surprised by my own answer! I think we've been confusing hospitality with entertaining guests and latter is such a stressful experience for me.  I would love to be able to truly have a welcoming presence (both as a host and as a guest somewhere else) -- to trust that Jesus is that welcoming presence THROUGH me, and to be able to rest in that truth and relax into His love for me and the people I would host.

Anyway, that's it for me -- hospitality.


"Psalm 136" (Give Thanks to The Lord) from All Sons and Daughters has become a staple in our worship sets. Also, "Great I Am" by Leslie Jordan (the daughter in All Sons and Daughters) -- it's a lovely stripped back tune with a special sweetness to it; just released last month. And "Same God" from Elevation Worship (although we cut out part of the bridge since our congregation doesn't do well with seven minute tunes. "Goodness of God" always reminds everyone of what we tend to forget in these trying times.

I know I'm late to this conversation but I just now starting clicking around on this site and found this question.  For the past year or so I've been listening regularly to John Mark Comer's teachings podcast (Practicing the Way); he's an "acquired taste", pastor in Portland, Oregon, and passionate about encouraging people to become apprentices to Jesus and engage in spiritual practices (disciplines) regularly -- alone and in community.  Great stuff. 

Also, have recently been listening to "Truth over Tribe" from two co-pastors of a church in the midwest USA. Really thought provoking conversations. As they say in their "bio" - This podcast is too liberal for conservatives and too conservative for liberals. We seek to follow the lamb, not the donkey or the elephant.

Thanks for asking! I've appreciated the other's comments and recommendations.

This is so good! Thank you for sharing this playlist. I've already passed the link on to several friends, trusting that it will bless them and draw their hearts into the presence of the One whose Holy Week we remember.

Thanks again!

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