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Your "Pastor Transition Plans" details much of the discussion, leadership, and administrative process needed at a time of transition. Your document provides a sample to other churches. Thanks for your work on this. If you would like, I can add it to the "Church Finance and Administration Resources" on the CRCNA web.
Sheri, guide for the Church Administration Network

Hi Tony,
At Brookside we also have tried various things to connect staff and church leadership. Our Worship Planner has attended some elder meetings as a way to report and connect on worship. Our Youth Coordinator and Care Coordinator have regularly attended our elder meetings and deacons meetings also to report and participate on a regular basis as appropriate. We are currently considering aligning two of our staff positions with 1) the deacon role and 2) the elder role and therefore that staff person would always participate with that leadership group. Great question. Have other churches tried a different kind of leadership team? The goal of Brookside in their staffing is to work with our Reformed structure in a larger church setting.

Yes, a gift in memory of someone would be considered a charitable gift.  The IRS requires receipting if the gift(s) total $250 or more.  Most charities provide a gift receipt and thank you with no distinction between the gifts under or over $250. If the donor contributes cash, the donor must have an acknowledgment.

"Every dollar that goes to debt is a dollar that does not go to ministry." Experts suggest that you need a compelling vision, congregational trust, and unity among the leadership to lead a congregation in a campaign to lower debt.  The leadership will be responsible for creating a vision for ministry that can occur with the resources that previously went to debt reduction.  You will need to build ownership of this idea among the congregation and develop communication that provides a complete description of what church ministry could be achieved without the debt. 

A capital campaign needs to be integrated with a refocusing on the spiritual journey and bringing honor to God in how we support our ministries of the church. I have been involved in a building campaign and it is important also to understand the capacity of the congregation, set the appropriate goal, and set a timeline for the campaign that is not too short or too much time so you can sustain the momentum.  The campaign must be focused clearly on the vision for ministry and not just the dollars.  Many churches also use personal contact teams, prayer times, and messages from the pulpit on stewardship and vision for serving others.

Check out the resources on the web on church debt reduction plans.  You will get lots of ideas for a campaign and how to stay focused on the ministry vision.

Since the pension benefit calculation is based on the final average salary (FAS) of all ministers at the year of retirement, salary differences between one minister and another (f they retire at the same time, same number of years of service, and service in the same country) will not be a factor in the determination of pension.

Check out the Ministers' Pension website for additional information.  An example of the pension benefit calculation is included under the Canadian Plan Highlights and the U.S. Plan Highlights located in the right column on the front page.  Call the Ministers' Pension Office if you have additional questions!


Posted in: Church budgets

Our church budget is approved as a commitment from the congregation to give as they are blessed.  We encourage our church body to give 5-6%  of their gross income to the general fund and give to special funds above that giving.  The leadership has calculated how much this would be per adult member but this is not a requirement from anyone nor published anywhere other than in the budget documents.  We think of giving as a body of believers supporting the church ministry, not members who are obligated to pay as in a membership to a country club. God graciously blessed our church giving again this past year and we were able to pay our bills and give our full ministry shares. 

Our church calls this ministry area "connections."  The connections area is not just about welcoming but also fellowship activities.  Our ushers still come under "Worship" but our Welcoming Center, Sunday coffee, Discovering Membership, the "Fun Bunch," etc.  are all ministries in the area of "connections."

The "Fun Bunch" plans multigenerational fellowship activities throughout the year such as Dinner for Eight, Harvest Festival, Summer Picnic, Talent Night, Chili Cookoff,  and whatever new thing they come up with!

Posted in: Health Insurance

Brookside (in the US) offered health insurance to those regularly scheduled to work 30 hours per week or more. It was set up that we would cover 100% of the individual health insurance coverage. If a person wanted family coverage, we covered 65% of the cost of family coverage over individual coverage. In the US, churches that are covered through the denominational plan now have an option for an HSA plan. If a church changes to this lower cost insurance with a higher deductible, then the cost structure to the employee may also change. Did your church change to an HSA plan lately? How did you restructure? What are you doing with coverage?

Hi all,
How do churches equip members to assist elders in pastoral care? Do any churches have a pastoral care team that assists with sending cards, regular visits, phone calls, etc?

Hi Randy,

The samples include a description for treasurer and assistant treasurer.  I'm working on the President, Clerk, etc.--good idea! I'll get back to you with info on preparing minutes also.  Thanks for the great comments!


Hi all,

I responded by email but missed the post under comments.  I have contacted a few churches and now have a sample from another church with a few duties listed for chairs. You will find "Sample Church #2 Council Responsibilities"  under "Church Organization and Administration" and then "Administration."  Hope this helps.  I'll continue to look for other resources.

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