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Posted in: Say Thanks

Thanks for the laught about the 'sound guy neck crane'! I have to admit that I've done that. I've done sound at several church and have had several times that this happened to me. I was always glad when I could do a service where I was in the zone and went unnoticed so that the congregation wouldn't have to be distracted but could focus on the intent and purpose of the service.

David Teitsma on January 11, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks for sharing. That's a great resource.

I like that you still make the full calendar and iCal feed available on the bottom. 

David Teitsma on February 9, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Great Advice!

I know on Facebook you can really drill down to who your ad get's displayed too. In addition to choosing users from your area, can you choose user's that Like your page or another page?

David Teitsma on June 1, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Nick, Good point about Google having some serious competition. Competition will speed up Google and Microsoft's development of their products and will only benefit us, the users.

Tim, I'm eager to see the integration with Office and the Web app. I hope they make it easy, but I'm leery because this is Microsoft.

David Teitsma on April 8, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Yes, You're is a common error also. I was hoping that in an article about spelling errors that I didn't make any myself. I think it's clean... :)

I read another article on the Chicago Sun Times and I was surprised there were errors in there too. I would think that newspaper articles still have editors right?

I have to admit that a friend just emailed me with a spelling error in this post. I knew that I would have a mistake that I would glance over. I knew this would be a dangerous subject to write on because of the strong likelihood that I'd make a mistake.

It's now fixed.

David Teitsma on February 28, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I've used Qik from my iPhone before. It allows you to stream to the web, but also keeps the video available afterwards. The quality isn't the best, but it gets the point across.

Posted in: Let's Go!

I forgot to mention also that if you're going to resize a photo to be displayed on your website make sure you make a copy and don't resize the original.

Ohh, and I love Flickr! Especially now that I have a gps and I am geotagging my photos.

This sounds intriguing. From my experience everyone has a way to collaborate but is on a different platform which makes it difficult for everyone to participate without learning something new. I'm curious if Wiggio solves this. It seems that when deciding how to collaborate you need to choose between a platform that is feature-rich and one that is familiar or used by a high percentage of the group. I would usually go with the option that more people are familiar with, otherwise participation can be low. So, Facebook or email groups are becoming / staying a easy way to connect and have good involvement / participation even they they lack important features. 

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