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At Trinity CRC (Rock Valley, IA), we have given new members a copy of New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. 
At the baptism of infants and children, we give the family a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago. 
PS: I really appreciate Seeking God's Face and think that's a good choice too.

Thanks for the good thoughts here! I like the paragraphs about accountability – they're kinda funny yet hold a lot of unspoken truth. I plan to share this with our church staff. ~Stanley

I bought this the day it became available. It's a very insightful, fresh translation that helps me appreciate the culture of the New Testament through the lens of the culture of First Nations peoples instead of my own. It's a gift to be treasured from our indigenous brothers and sisters.

Thank you for sharing these thoughts and important reminders. How sad to witness when people deny in words or actions that every human being is made in the image of God and is loved by Him.

Bob captures why I sometimes feel more satisfaction after mowing the lawn or vacuuming than in preparing a message – I can see the rows in the grass or in the carpet! A file stored in my computer or even a few sheets of paper feel underwhelming in comparison.

Thanks for the reminder that sometimes "dimmer" lights signalling the way to the Kingdom outlast the brighter lights of great ratings according to much of our culture.

With its regularity, the Lord's Supper may sometimes seem the more significant of the two sacraments. Thank you for this helpful theology and these practical suggestions that keep baptism at the forefront, too! Stanley

I think "Confession" is meant to be a title for a section that includes "Call to Confession" through "Response of Thanksgiving." I think "Gathering/Praise," "Proclamation," "Response to the Word," "Lord's Supper," and "Sending" are also supposed to be section titles. It would have been helpful if they had appeared in bold or italics or something to distinguish them from the elements within the sections. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong! Stanley

Of course, there's something to be said about aesthetics. Frankly, I think the bright yellow text on the blue background in the projector sample looks very unpleasant. To avoid glare/car headlights effect, perhaps a black or dark blue background with light grey (as opposed to bright white) sans serif text would work? Something like this perhaps...  (Feel free to edit it.)



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