Mike VanLaan
I previously served (as a volunteer) for many years at Friendship Christian Reformed Church, in Byron Center, MI, as the church administrator -- I am very much interested in church administration, church culture, and how we get things done in the best way in doing the work assigned to the Church. In addition to being a retired military officer, I have previous experience as a facility manager for a large hospital, an operations manager for a construction company, and, then, as a business owner. I also have previous experience as a deacon and as an elder, to include a term as Council President. I have been a delegate to Synod one time.
I am married, with two grown children (both married). Grandchildren are one of the my greatest enjoyments in life right now.
Posted in: What software works for tracking church membership information?
We (Friendship CRC in Byron Center, MI) use PowerChurch. I researched the various options (about 4 years ago) and thought PowerChurch was the best software for our church for the money. We are very happy with it. We use it to print the church directory, for volunteer lists, event/room scheduling, contribution statements, membership reports, etc. We will be upgrading to version 11 this month. Feel free to contact me to schedule a look at how we use it if you want.
Posted in: What's a good choir anthem that relates to Baptism?
We took the video off the website (have to keep things updated and changing, you know). Anyway, it's still on our church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1747391917438.
Posted in: What's a good choir anthem that relates to Baptism?
I'm not really a music person, so I'm not sure it would qualify as a "choir anthem", but we recently had a song that was written and performed by Jess Hollenbach: "You Are Wonderfully and Beautifully Made". Here's the link to a video of it on our website: http://www.friendshipcrc.org/content.cfm?id=213&content_id=189.
Posted in: What are best practices for conducting a Congregational Meeting dealing with controversial issues?
One thing that I've seen work well, whether the meeting is expected to be controversial or not, is to have a "town hall" type of meeting prior to the meeting where the votes are called for. This provides for a time of discussion followed by a time of waiting prior to voting. Emotions that come out during the discussion portion don't carry over into the voting time, and issues/concerns that are raised during the discussion time are followed up with time for consideration, research, prayer, etc.
Posted in: Non-Ordained Staff Compensation Survey
I sent an e-mail to Jeanne at the denomination to see if she had any data or insight regarding non-ordained staff compensation. I know that our church has not provided data with regard to this ... so, we'll see what's out there. Please encourage your church to complete the survey! See Sheri Laninga's post: http://network.crcna.org/content/church-administration/what-do-we-pay-our-staff.
Posted in: Non-Ordained Staff Compensation Survey
Responses to the survey are coming in. Don't forget about the April 15 deadline.
Posted in: Non-Ordained Staff Compensation Survey
Thank you to all who participated in the survey. I will be working on the data and will get results back to you.
Posted in: Member Only Section
When we redesigned our website three years ago we really struggled with this issue. In the end, we decided that the privacy of our members needed to be protected in many cases. Therefore, we have a "members only" section (called MY FCRC) ... for meeting minutes, our "focus" section of the bulletin (which contains names, phone numbers, e-mails and other things that should be kept private), budget reports, our prayer line (again, some private information). I disagree with the statement that e-mail is best for prayer updates ... I don't think there is a "best" anymore. For a lot of our membership, e-mail is best; for others, the webpage is best; for others, an unpublished phone line with a recording is best. In March, for example, we had 114 visits to our member-only Prayer Line webpage -- I don't know how many people that represents, but that's between 3 and 4 visits every day -- all by our church members (since it requires a log-in).
We just updated our website, hoping to make it, primarily, a site for visitors ... there is plenty of stuff there for visitors: our bulletin (i.e. our order of worship), pictures, videos, our history, our ministry plan, our floor plan, most of our policies, etc. But, we also wanted to have a member section for communication purposes. See www.friendshipcrc.org. Also, our website stats for Jan. thru March of this year can be viewed at http://www.friendshipcrc.org/files/Misc/jan_mar_2011_website_stats_summary.pdf I think it's a good idea to know what your web traffic stats are -- we've been surprised at what gets looked at and what doesn't. It's often good to have data.
Every church's situation will be different, so it's good to hear the different ideas and thoughts on The Network!
Posted in: Member Only Section
FYI, I would recommend FaithConnector if you want some good Content Management Software for your website. Easy to use.
Posted in: When the Servants are Governors
I am the task team leader for our church "Governance & Ministry Task Team". We formed this past summer (as directed by our council) and are finishing up our work to review how we do things at our church -- in particular with elders, deacons, council structure, ministry teams, etc. In addition to reading Dr. DeMoor's "Church Order Commentary" (which was excellent), we also read Hotchkiss' "Governance and Ministry". This book paved the way for the direction we took. It is an excellent explanation of a concept -- you still have to do a lot of the work and figuring out how if applies to your specific situation, but the concepts, as explained in this book, are, in my opinion, the best way to approach this problem. I would highly recommend the "Governance and Ministry" book!
Posted in: Next Steps for Me...and for The Network
I have found The Network very helpful, mostly from a church adminstration and/or church finance perspective. I am somewhat disappointed with the number of people who do not use it (both in our local church and denomination wide). I would like a broader perspective.
I think the various "guides" have done an admirable job. There has been much thought and time spent from some very dedicated persons. My thanks to them!
Posted in: Unordained Staff Compensation
Rick: I actually think there is more variation in the job expectations from the national survey than the local survey. I just think the quality control goes down as the number of participants goes up. Based on living in various places across the U.S., I know that there are different perspectives of what a "youth director" does -- this is true at the local level as well; however, I think the variation is greater as you go national. For the local survey that we did this spring, we used "job codes" with summary descriptions of the job. This helps with the standardization. I think it's the same tool the national surveys use; however, it was easier to follow up with phone calls and e-mails from the local survey and I felt that we actually got a better match. Also, I think there is a difference for clerical and custodial positions between the private sector and the church sector jobs. That is, however, a matter of opinion. I think there are unique requirements in each sector that make the jobs different. I agree that the size of the church and the skills of the employees are very important factors. Ideally, we tried to get data from churches that were both similar to our size and also in our geographical area. Tough to do. Compensation comparison and decisions -- definitely both an art and a science.