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I agree with Mavis that Worship is perhaps the best place to post your question.  I encourage you to do so and I hope you get some good feedback.

Thanks for your question and thank you Mavis for your suggestion.


Jonathan Wilson on November 15, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)


Here is a blog post on our Church Administration Network that may a good resource for you to check out:

You can also post your question as a forum topic on the Church Administration forum to see if others from The Network community have resources to share:

Jonathan Wilson on November 16, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)


When you posted your initial question we were a bit stumped as to where it would fit.  Our suggestion of placement in the Worship forum was a “closest fit” suggestion considering what was currently available, not a “perfect fit” suggestion.  It is an ongoing effort to find the right categories that meet the ministry needs of those who use The Network.

Thank you for your suggestion and topic ideas regarding a “Welcoming Ministries” category.  We will discuss this with our team.   In the meantime, I would still encourage you to post any specific questions you have as a topic in the Worship forum or another category you feel may fit (perhaps ministry coordinators?). That way the conversation gets started and the community can respond.

Christian Reformed World Missions is looking for librarians or library technicians to help strengthening Christian libraries internationally. This is to support the development of libraries in evangelical Christian educational institutions in developing countries through the Strengthening Christian Libraries Internationally (SCLI) project.

If you are interested or know of someone you can find out more info here:





Mark,  I am sorry for your loss.  Thank you for sharing this blog post.  The third point is very good.  Medicine can be a tool God uses to heal.

Posted in: Genesis - Again!

Rob (and everyone else) - Each email notification gives two unsusbscribe options at the bottom: 1. unsubscribe from a specific discussion, 2. unsubscribe from all notifications across The Network. The first option is what you want.

Having said that, your suggestion is still a good one if no one else is participating in the discussion any longer. That's always a bit of a judgement call though, as some might want to listen in.

Anyway, I hope this unsubscribe info helps. It's easy to opt out of email notifcations for a specific discussion whenever you want to.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in this discussion - it's been a popular one!

Thanks for sharing this story Kevin.  I appreciate the efforts of worship leaders who help usher congregations into the presence of the Great Physician.


Posted in: Hungry

Our church celebrates the Lord's Supper once a month and it's something I look forward to.  I also appreciate the how on many occasions serving the Lord's Supper is connected to the rest of the worship service in specific ways.  

I have to admit as a congregant I more relaxed in regular attenance during the summer months.  Part of it is vacations, part of it is that the  children's services are on summer break and part of it is the laziness of summer.

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