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Morning Milissa;

I was at the dissability Conference in Kitchener, at one of the sessions. And a person talked about a gift survey their church did where they asked the people of their congregation what they enjoyed to do. EX: Cut the grass, sew, paint, clean house, dishes, make food, babysit , do plumbing, repairs, driving, meet new people, teaching etc. And when a need arose they had some one on their list already they could call without asking needing to ask everyone all the time. This way too you can ask different people to help, rather then the same ones who could get burnt out easily. I find someone is more willing to help out if they like what they are doing.I also find if you ask people individually rather than as an anouncement, it works better. So that is what I'm looking for. Thanks Grace

Hi Liz:

Yes we're still in the Hagersville church. Just looked up when the conference is and found out it's on the same day as the coffee breack rally. Now I need to decide which to go to. I do know of the recovery to discovery group, I've been a part of it since the confereneces started 3 yrs. ago. I DON'T KNOW IF THE CONFERENCE IS HAPPENING THIS year but would be sad if it weren't. We've tried to get a thing happening more often but alot of peple with brain injuries can't drive and that posses a problem. They'd love to get out and meet others but can't. Please pray for Scott Faraway as he's the person who organizes this.

I'd love to see many providers at this conference, so when clients need rehab, occupational, speach , physical Therapists, lawyers, case managers, recenters,programs or homes for those with a dissablity,  or anyone in the feild of helping others, who stands for christianity, to be at this Recovery to Discovery conference. It would be great to be able to show families that their are other christians struggling through this change in their families and be able to share biblical refences for encouragement and love. And that they will walk along with you through this journey. I've been looking for a long time for families where we could share, ask questions and become friends with who also have family members with an aquired brain injury. Please I know there are others out there and I'm sure there are also christian families out there , lets get together and talk. Grace

Hi this would have been good to listen to, but I was informed of it to late, maybe a little more notice would be good. And in the archive part of it is missing.

I like the idea of asking that question, because if we can't answer it for our selves how do we expect our kids to stay in the CRC with us.

I would love some kind of traing as I'm a new Deacon. I was told the first year is just to observe and you'll learn what you need to know, but I want more. I've already read the book " The Deacon's handbook" . What else can I do to learn? Thanks Grace. p.s I've registered for 'The day of Encouragement' too.

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