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Quick of 5 minutes ago, the button now prompts for a comment as well. That makes it show up MUCH more prominently on your Facebook wall.

....which gets more people to click the link you've shared, which gets more people to discover The Network, etc, etc. You get the idea...start spreading the news!


Tim Postuma on August 24, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Michael -

I checked with our CRCNA IT department, and here's what I found...

First of all, some of the big-name vendors that most churches are interested in (e.g. Adobe, Microsoft) can't be purchased at a non-profit discount through TechSoup's purchasing program (see their list for religious organizations). So it may be better to use TechSoup for information, but then check on the vendor's website or through a local reseller to see if you qualify. Or, just check some of the big-box stores to see what the pricing is like there.

If you do want to purchase through TechSoup AND you have your own 501c3, go for it. But, as you point out, many churches don't have their own 501c3 because they can all fall under the CRCNA's umbrella (as I understand it at least). While it would be technically possible to associate the CRCNA's TechSoup account with that of individual churches, the benefits are mediocre at best. Not only because of the issue above, but because many of the vendors further restrict purchasing to organizations below a certain $ threshold (e.g. Sage is under $500,000 so the CRCNA account doesn't qualify). And other vendors restrict the number of licenses an organization can get (one license among all the CRCs won't go far!). And we'd need to think about how the payments would be handled (does payment/invoice info get saved with the organization profile?). Our IT department is on the lookout for deals they can extend to churches, but they've judged that this one has too many limitations to make the benefits worthwhile.

Having said all that, if there's a specific software that, after doing your research, you find fully qualifies for purchasing under the CRCNA TechSoup account and is not limited to a single license and can save your church big bucks...send me a direct message through The Network and we can see if we can make it happen for you.

Even without using their purchasing program, the TechSoup website is a valuable source of information for churches. So check it out even if you don't use the purchasing side of it.

Hope this helps!

Posted in: Say Thanks

Thanks Mavis. After a few long days at synod it was so nice to see your post.

Webcast traffic has been very steady (~1,350 unique viewers so far) and there's been some very good discussions in the chat. It's like a real-time extension of what we're doing on The Network!

A related question....should we use this blog occasionally throughout the year? Content could include:

- updates from study committees (e.g. Form of Subscription, Faith Formation)

- requesting feedback for study committees

- updates from the Board of Trustees

- updates on other synod decisions (e.g. translations, structure task force)

So please let us know:

1. should we do this blog next year?

2. should we keep it going during the year?

3. any other feedback you have

Tim Postuma on August 8, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

We've done all of the above. Each church has received multiple emails about The Network (to pastor, then to clerk of council, to chair of deacons, etc). Enough that we worry a bit about ticking them off. We also sent all churches (twice since The Network launched) an email suitable for forwarding to their entire congregation. Most didn't, but a few did and it had a big impact.

We've also sent regular bulletin announcements and run stories in the CRC newsroom and the Church@Work section of The Banner. And all the latest posts are featured in each week's CRC News email. In May we began a weekly email for CRC Pastors that lists every Network post as well (including all the synod ones).

But the most effective thing is when one person has that 'aha moment' and helps spread the word in their church. We've seen big impact when that happens. Nothing like someone in a church advocating for something.

Overall, we've seen annual growth rate of nearly 100% (i.e. doubling) so there's no doubt that more people are jumping on board. But I think the growth could be even higher. More Banner ads would be good, but those are over $3,000 per page. We've recommitted to doing more frequent bulletin announcements - we haven't been doing as much of that as we should be. Other ideas?

Connoisseurs of synod-related humor should also be sure to check out "A Poet's View of Synod 2010" by Rod Hugen.

So we've established that the years 2000, 2010 and now 2011 are all good vintages when it comes to synod humor. But I bet there were others...anyone?

Don't try the 2009 vintage. From first-hand experience, I can say that stuff will make you sick.

Posted in: Classical Exams

Great question. I agree that the examination process does seem redundant. It certainly seemed that way to me when my wife and friends went through it years ago. And I'm sure it's on the minds of all the candidates that are (TODAY, as it turns out!) being examined by the candicacy committee.

The only problem is....I can't think of a step to eliminate!

I think Dutchoven's observation about what happens at (some? most?) classis exams is very true, and I wouldn't want to give up that step. Of course, we've also heard horror stories about classical exams, but hopefully those are the exception.

The others steps you mention seem equally important. So I don't know, maybe in this case the redundancy is OK, even good? What do others think?

Thank you so much, Marcel, for sharing our vision for this even before it was built (talk about faith!). You'll alway be the inaugural Youth Ministry Network guide!

Thanks for helping build the foundation over the past year, and we look forward to your continued participation here and on other parts of The Network.

Posted in: The Next Year

Thanks for all your work over the past year, Jolanda, as The Network's very first Sunday School guide. You signed up even before it was built!

And thank you for your continued enthusiasm for connecting children's ministry leaders - both online and off. Keep up the great work for Faith Alive, the CRC, and beyond.

Thanks for the great post, Dave. So far, the Network has had over 1,100 comments and, of those, only 2 have been pulled (both because the person disclosed too much personal information, not because they were mean).

Maybe the "My Church" feature helps as it encourages people to identify their congregational affiliation. Or that people know CRC bingo can get them identified in a jiffy.

Whatever the reason, it hasn't been much of an issue for The Network as for some other sites. I guess grace is not only preached, but practiced in the CRC. It's been nice to see.

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