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Yes, thanks David! You've made a big contribution not only to The Network but to the use of technology for church ministry!

Thank you, and we look forward to your continued participation as part of the The Network community.

Looks like there was an encore performance to accompany this encore blog post.

Chorus Niagara returned to the food court where it all began. It was covered on Canada AM, a national telecast. Check out the encore performance and a standing O from a packed house.

Tim Postuma on May 25, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Shortly after, The Banner published this. Though I haven't compared it to the audio to know how similar/not it is. I don't know of any transcript.

It's gone! North Point Ministries has removed this video from the web. See the note we've added above for details.

P.S. Also, please don't post links to any unauthorized versions of the video. We respect North Point's right to remove their own content from the web, and ask that you do the same. Thanks.

Hey, Dave, you beat Mashable to the punch! Some good points made in their article and comment stream:

I hardly ever use Microsoft Office anymore. Even though I've got it installed, I find Google Docs so much more convenient.

But I've also discovered that it's not easy to transition people to Docs. After using Office products for so many years, the whole concept of Google Docs and online collaboration in general is so strange. So there's the tendency to go back to the tried-and-true method of creating a Word document, attaching it to an email, track changes, and all the other stuff that now drives me nuts.

So I think Microsoft has a real opportunity to bridge that gap and help people move to web-based documents and collaboration...while keeping them in the Office family they know and love.

Any churches fully 'in the cloud' when it comes to meeting agendas, minutes, etc?

This summer my church started having potlucks after every morning service. They're very informal. Sometimes it's a small group and other times we're overflowing. Sometimes there's too much food and other times we're running short. But, always, I'm glad I went. And we've decided to keep 'em going indefinitely.

We started them as a way to help new people get connected. Inviting them to stay for the potluck is so nice and easy.

Posted in: Church IT Survey

This is cool. I'm not involved enough in our church's IT to be able to fill it out but the data is interesting. And it's a great example of 'open' data collection/sharing.

Hmmm....maybe we can use this approach to collect and share other info across the CRC. There's already a lot of sharing going on in these Network forums (e.g. curriculum used, membership software) but open surveys/polls like this lend to more structured responses so users can tabulate, etc

Thanks for letting us know about this.

Another great part about Picasa is that it is quite cheap to backup all your high-res photos online using Picasa Web Albums. You just sync your local version of Picasa with your online account. I love not having to mess with DVDs anymore for offsite backup.

What a great story. Thanks, Staci. I'm reminded of how, more Sundays than not, my parents would invite someone over for coffee/lunch after church (especially new visitors). We met a lot of interesting people and, to us kids, it certainly modeled the value of hospitality. Plus I can't tell you how many times I've crossed paths with someone who made the connection and said 'hey, I was at your house once!'

Let's keep this thread going....who's next with an 'act of kindness' memory that left an impression?

August - We've been unable to find a crowdfunding system that accepts two currencies at once. If this experiment goes well, we'll keep searching. In the meantime, donations from Canadian members will be processed in such a way that they can receive a receipt that satisfies Revenue Canada requirements.

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