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Thanks, Joel.

Your post helps me find words for what I have experienced and seen during at The Nehemiah Center over the past three years. I have seen the energy and synergy of a movement. And it was that energy and synergy that motivated me to write a book about what I saw and heard: On Mended Wings: Transforming Lives and Communities in Nicaragua, schduled for release in November 2012.

 As a novice and observer in the world of global mission, I find myself wondering  how diminishment of the energy and enthusiasm of a movement can be prevented as it begins to generate programs.


Thanks much for the list of questions. In my three-decades-old small group, we often ask a leading question as a conversation starter. I plan to put these to good use.

To gkynast: Yes the fruit of that labor is amazing--and that amazing story is being told in the book On Mended Wings, to be released in November.  It has been a humbling privilege for me to gather the information and tell that tale..

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