I sure feel like a "noboby" . Thanks for the kind words. It is nice to know that people are praying for you. I believe prayer can change everything. That is why I never pray for my heeling because I am a much better tool as sick and broken man with a wonderful wife but hurt wife and amazing Christain but hurt children. We as a family have entrusted ourselves to the Lords protection and have recieved it many ways with the exception my friends, family,christain school and church. The great thing is we still love them all enough to keep trying and to keep loving them so we can all be in glorious communion. We have so much to share and would love to be included in some way. My other comments are probably the result of frustration at trying many ways and times at mutiple church levels to get some help. Having a brother whose a pastor, 3 are or were elders. My wife lead praise groups and we help sponser a small group. I use to lead evening services before the pastor and actually preached sermons under pastoral guidience. taught sunday school, cadets and lead support groups in our church. I help start a startup coffee ministery with a local missonary couple including the, witnessing, start up costs and connvincing them to due it localy. I use to help run a street ministry at our church as the only unpaid leader. I telling you this so you can get a little picture of easily this can happen without malice or intent.
Sorry, I understand what you are saying. Its a good wisdom spoken from experience and good intent. Thank You
I agree with you on what you said. I am trying to reach out for "my" people that I know love me and would help if we could have some honest dialogue. I understand why this happens better than most of the people because I have been on the other side difunction. I am the one who is being honest and laying myself open. I know the spiritual aspects of this. My spirit is hurt but fully engaged with a passion for healing for everyone. The people I refer to are my church and extended families are good people with good intent. I love them.
As far as the my heeling is concerned, I probably gave the wrong signal to you. Of course everyone would like to be whole but I see the benifits that broken people recieve and provide to the Lord. Blessed are the poor spirit is very comforting to know. Thanks for your interest and advice. I listen or observe all people I fill are acting out of good intent. I also have the assurance that ultimatly the battle is won. I still have to pursue a path to everyone's healing because that is the Lords command and make the only lodical sense.
"Since this person is not making a clear stand, can we know for sure if this person is saved? No. Neither can we know that any person who makes a public profession is saved; however, we can know and celebrate someone’s part in the community of faith and celebrate his or her expression of faith." I personally think that God wouldn't create a person who could never understand who He was and not save him. God is love and seem wouldn't seem correct. Your statement is true of all of us. tHERE WERE A LOT OF pHARISES that thought they were dialed in to God untill Jesus informed them they were incorrect. That is also true of some of us if we weren't genuine when we confess anything. The way the Bible talks about the least of these, I think the ones who He touches merit honor .Even If they exihibit Christ like qualities sporaticly like us they should be treated as equals in a family sense. I hope you agree because it would make me sad to think of all the mental disturbed individuals I have worked with would have know hope.
I cannot imagine that kind of support. I drive around buying coffee so I can talk to the barista's. I can't find support from my church can I cannot attend. Out of sight, out of mind. Illness is so isolating. I wish you would notify the churches that when people can't come or when kids leave to start their lives to keep in contact. I have asked maybe 30 times for some friendship once in a while ( mainly for my family) . But everyone is so busy with other priorities. I am a strong believer but everyone needs community. Your probably questioning my objectivity but I am speaking the truth. I understand why people can't find time and was on the other side of the fence for 42yrs. My family (extended) have been in crc for over 100 yrs. And can't believe this happening. But then again this isn't the same church anymore. The people seem focus more on religion than personal relationship with Jesus. If that were to change I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you never read a post like this. To a sick person church order and creeds mean absolutly nothing. Its about walking and leaning on Jesus. That is my only support besides my wife and kids. It is enough for peace but God doesn't promise us healing until death. This issue is indicative of the state of our denomination. They dont even support my wife and kids who due go to church. I have to care for my wife's depression about my disease in addition to my own. I cried out so many times that its much easer to look the other way. Yes this is happening in churches all over and it goes mostly unnoticed. Its hard to tell people that this should not be happening because most don' t to be involved or they show up and run because disease can be ugly and uncomfortable to be around. Jesus always talked about how one struggling believer was more important than a month of Sunday's worship yet not a lot of people think that way. It is not a numbers game that determines if a church is florishing in God's will. Everyone of you will experience what im experiencing when you start to die. I thought maybe someone would be interested to see what its like in the real world that everyone avoids at all costs. Its not that bad just lonely and filled God moments. But without anyone to talk to this information sits in my heart ready to tell people that you can find Jesus so easily when your sick. You know I have a mission to help people when I can. I have testified to strangers on a regular basis and have seen what God can due through broken people like me. I'm not angry just sad that our eyes are closed to least of these. Those that are sick and have Jesus are full of incite because your humbled and broken.
Lets also think to the future, in our area the youth are already migrating to smart phone social networks. To many apps to mention but it adds new realm of possiblities. It much more real time which is the direction these networks are heading.
Background checks and the persons confession are extremely important. Ability to relay Gospel in coherent manner is also a plus. I don't know how you would evaluate or monitor lifestyle or moral behavior. Hope you find what you need.
I will tell you when you need Jesus in a way that he is your last hope, He does't talk about this guys. Don't take my word just wait till your death is at your door or you can see it coming and you will gain a new perspective.
Please consider this because I know you guys are good Christain men and saved. You all are very knowledgable and gifted by God. That is obvious to me. I also sense good intent and your passion is obvious by your involvment.
Just a couple questions that I remind myself with once in a while. If these topic's are really pressing then how did theif get into heavan? How did Abraham please a God he never read about enough to be called by God to be told his decendents will be God's chosen people? We all know the anwsers are faith. If faith is required to believe and in Jesus, the Bible and the creeds , why not discuss those questions first? There were some comments in the posts on faith by Mr. Zylstra I believe but I think it would be more important to think,pray and discuss one of the fundimental issue's in our churches health like not allowing our faith Him to be fully used by Him. You Guys could name more issue's than I could but I hope get my drift. I am not looking for the anwsers if you think i being to judgmental or am missing the boat I understand. i still will feel the same way about you guys as being Christain leaders and brothers in Christ.
I have a lot of incite into what you are looking for but it sound esoteric at first. These Questions Mr. Westerhof raises are thought full and point out a reallity we all face as Christains of Reformed faith. Our beliefs talk about the spiritual aspects of what we are suppose to be in communion with Christ. But we don"t talk much about what Spiritual awareness can,should and does look like. Another words faith allows Spirit to use you but faith also required to see it or trust what we see. Its a choice of sorts that soon becomes its own course drivin by how the Spirit has opened your eyes. Mr. Westhof you have had your answer since you wrote it. That ansrwer is you are looking for affirmation when if you believed what you wrote was driven by the Spirit in the fist place. I believe God is giving you the incite in first place. You don't have to believe me but ask yourself why I would be telling you this at 4:13 pacific without sleep and I don't know you. That may possible be profound if you have the faith see it or it may be some poor smuck that lacks anything better to due and would like to give you bume steer. Go For It.
Posted in: Caring for Parents Who Have a Child with a Disability
Mr Zylstra,
I sure feel like a "noboby" . Thanks for the kind words. It is nice to know that people are praying for you. I believe prayer can change everything. That is why I never pray for my heeling because I am a much better tool as sick and broken man with a wonderful wife but hurt wife and amazing Christain but hurt children. We as a family have entrusted ourselves to the Lords protection and have recieved it many ways with the exception my friends, family,christain school and church. The great thing is we still love them all enough to keep trying and to keep loving them so we can all be in glorious communion. We have so much to share and would love to be included in some way. My other comments are probably the result of frustration at trying many ways and times at mutiple church levels to get some help. Having a brother whose a pastor, 3 are or were elders. My wife lead praise groups and we help sponser a small group. I use to lead evening services before the pastor and actually preached sermons under pastoral guidience. taught sunday school, cadets and lead support groups in our church. I help start a startup coffee ministery with a local missonary couple including the, witnessing, start up costs and connvincing them to due it localy. I use to help run a street ministry at our church as the only unpaid leader. I telling you this so you can get a little picture of easily this can happen without malice or intent.
Posted in: Caring for Parents Who Have a Child with a Disability
Sorry, I understand what you are saying. Its a good wisdom spoken from experience and good intent. Thank You
I agree with you on what you said. I am trying to reach out for "my" people that I know love me and would help if we could have some honest dialogue. I understand why this happens better than most of the people because I have been on the other side difunction. I am the one who is being honest and laying myself open. I know the spiritual aspects of this. My spirit is hurt but fully engaged with a passion for healing for everyone. The people I refer to are my church and extended families are good people with good intent. I love them.
As far as the my heeling is concerned, I probably gave the wrong signal to you. Of course everyone would like to be whole but I see the benifits that broken people recieve and provide to the Lord. Blessed are the poor spirit is very comforting to know. Thanks for your interest and advice. I listen or observe all people I fill are acting out of good intent. I also have the assurance that ultimatly the battle is won. I still have to pursue a path to everyone's healing because that is the Lords command and make the only lodical sense.
Posted in: Caring for Parents Who Have a Child with a Disability
Sure that would be great. thx 961-5835
Posted in: Profession of Faith for People with Intellectual Disabilities
"Since this person is not making a clear stand, can we know for sure if this person is saved? No. Neither can we know that any person who makes a public profession is saved; however, we can know and celebrate someone’s part in the community of faith and celebrate his or her expression of faith." I personally think that God wouldn't create a person who could never understand who He was and not save him. God is love and seem wouldn't seem correct. Your statement is true of all of us. tHERE WERE A LOT OF pHARISES that thought they were dialed in to God untill Jesus informed them they were incorrect. That is also true of some of us if we weren't genuine when we confess anything. The way the Bible talks about the least of these, I think the ones who He touches merit honor .Even If they exihibit Christ like qualities sporaticly like us they should be treated as equals in a family sense. I hope you agree because it would make me sad to think of all the mental disturbed individuals I have worked with would have know hope.
Posted in: Caring for Parents Who Have a Child with a Disability
I cannot imagine that kind of support. I drive around buying coffee so I can talk to the barista's. I can't find support from my church can I cannot attend. Out of sight, out of mind. Illness is so isolating. I wish you would notify the churches that when people can't come or when kids leave to start their lives to keep in contact. I have asked maybe 30 times for some friendship once in a while ( mainly for my family) . But everyone is so busy with other priorities. I am a strong believer but everyone needs community. Your probably questioning my objectivity but I am speaking the truth. I understand why people can't find time and was on the other side of the fence for 42yrs. My family (extended) have been in crc for over 100 yrs. And can't believe this happening. But then again this isn't the same church anymore. The people seem focus more on religion than personal relationship with Jesus. If that were to change I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you never read a post like this. To a sick person church order and creeds mean absolutly nothing. Its about walking and leaning on Jesus. That is my only support besides my wife and kids. It is enough for peace but God doesn't promise us healing until death. This issue is indicative of the state of our denomination. They dont even support my wife and kids who due go to church. I have to care for my wife's depression about my disease in addition to my own. I cried out so many times that its much easer to look the other way. Yes this is happening in churches all over and it goes mostly unnoticed. Its hard to tell people that this should not be happening because most don' t to be involved or they show up and run because disease can be ugly and uncomfortable to be around. Jesus always talked about how one struggling believer was more important than a month of Sunday's worship yet not a lot of people think that way. It is not a numbers game that determines if a church is florishing in God's will. Everyone of you will experience what im experiencing when you start to die. I thought maybe someone would be interested to see what its like in the real world that everyone avoids at all costs. Its not that bad just lonely and filled God moments. But without anyone to talk to this information sits in my heart ready to tell people that you can find Jesus so easily when your sick. You know I have a mission to help people when I can. I have testified to strangers on a regular basis and have seen what God can due through broken people like me. I'm not angry just sad that our eyes are closed to least of these. Those that are sick and have Jesus are full of incite because your humbled and broken.
Posted in: How to Use Facebook at Your Church
Lets also think to the future, in our area the youth are already migrating to smart phone social networks. To many apps to mention but it adds new realm of possiblities. It much more real time which is the direction these networks are heading.
Posted in: Where can I find a sample policy regarding ministry standards and expectations for volunteers?
Background checks and the persons confession are extremely important. Ability to relay Gospel in coherent manner is also a plus. I don't know how you would evaluate or monitor lifestyle or moral behavior. Hope you find what you need.
Posted in: Can churches offer a dual membership option (like dual citizenship) to their snow birds?
I wish that were true in the church I attend.
Posted in: Can churches offer a dual membership option (like dual citizenship) to their snow birds?
Do church commitments go both ways. Like we are responsible to our fellow members and they to us?
Posted in: Affirm the Belhar? Yes, but Not as a Doctrinal Standard
I will tell you when you need Jesus in a way that he is your last hope, He does't talk about this guys. Don't take my word just wait till your death is at your door or you can see it coming and you will gain a new perspective.
Posted in: Affirm the Belhar? Yes, but Not as a Doctrinal Standard
Please consider this because I know you guys are good Christain men and saved. You all are very knowledgable and gifted by God. That is obvious to me. I also sense good intent and your passion is obvious by your involvment.
Just a couple questions that I remind myself with once in a while. If these topic's are really pressing then how did theif get into heavan? How did Abraham please a God he never read about enough to be called by God to be told his decendents will be God's chosen people? We all know the anwsers are faith. If faith is required to believe and in Jesus, the Bible and the creeds , why not discuss those questions first? There were some comments in the posts on faith by Mr. Zylstra I believe but I think it would be more important to think,pray and discuss one of the fundimental issue's in our churches health like not allowing our faith Him to be fully used by Him. You Guys could name more issue's than I could but I hope get my drift. I am not looking for the anwsers if you think i being to judgmental or am missing the boat I understand. i still will feel the same way about you guys as being Christain leaders and brothers in Christ.
Posted in: Spiritual Discernment at Ecclesiastical Assemblies
I have a lot of incite into what you are looking for but it sound esoteric at first. These Questions Mr. Westerhof raises are thought full and point out a reallity we all face as Christains of Reformed faith. Our beliefs talk about the spiritual aspects of what we are suppose to be in communion with Christ. But we don"t talk much about what Spiritual awareness can,should and does look like. Another words faith allows Spirit to use you but faith also required to see it or trust what we see. Its a choice of sorts that soon becomes its own course drivin by how the Spirit has opened your eyes. Mr. Westhof you have had your answer since you wrote it. That ansrwer is you are looking for affirmation when if you believed what you wrote was driven by the Spirit in the fist place. I believe God is giving you the incite in first place. You don't have to believe me but ask yourself why I would be telling you this at 4:13 pacific without sleep and I don't know you. That may possible be profound if you have the faith see it or it may be some poor smuck that lacks anything better to due and would like to give you bume steer. Go For It.