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Hi John,

 Great suggestions on helping disabled persons find work and more to live for.  My problem is no one is there to talk about anything. People are to busy with other things they consider more important and rarely leave their social cliques to ask anything.

   It is nice to know this isn't occurring everywhere like at Chelwood CRC. They have the gift of understanding and care for the hurting.




  You obviously don't understand what I said. I will pray for clarification of thought for you.

Hi Allen, 

   The use of small groups as you pointed out, are not without issue's. When I was a member of small group, I always thought there should be a open membership. Some group evolve into clique's which exactly the opposite of what they were designed to address.

  How you  accomplish this is a rotation every so often. This could help to spread the community within the church.

  They also need purpose. Your books  that you recommend cover this well.

  Just a note, I never realized how organized and supported small groups are at a lot of the churches represented here. When  I was a member, there was not much leadership or contact. Maybe I just didn't knoe about it.

Thanks Ken

Why stop at the constitution, We could require two thirds vote for the president, congress, going to war, stopping abortion, etc ,etc etc.


    Quota's are not the answer. They are stimilus to correct gross inbalances. Everyone that is chosen should be qualified as other cannidate's. The prosess is designed to be temporary and not  takiing rights away from us but giving voices to people who are enately under represented. The social enviroment has created hurdles for them in the past. After the changes become more of a norm any afirmative action is not correct. That is the concept. It is not permenant way of social justice because that happens in the minds and actions of individuals. After all it was narsisstic people in power that created these issue's in the first place by exploiting vunerable people. Some day we will be the minority in numbers but as far as wealth and power are concerned, it currently is currently growing primarily in our demograghic.

   Besides this justice is from the Scriptures and is part of our new and old covenants. Don't be scared. people who have been oppressed don't want revenge but justice. I'm sure you could find a exception but not any more than when we have most of the power.

Thanks Richard,

   Your comments are asking the right questions. We as a the polity, are quick to point out  defects with decisions being made by Synod,BOT or anyone brave enough to lead. We are responsible as you noted for the lack of leadership in making these aspects of are church function as they were intended. The denominational leadership has tried to fill the void by prodding us to act. We need to find unity of purpose as the Gospel testifies too.



   You live with quotas now. They are geographical not race or gender. this urge to correct injustice is not from the flesh because it is Biblical. Jesus demonstrated the proper attitude toward the oppressed. He walked amongst broken and confronted the oppressors.


Good conversation Guys. I can relate to the advantages of having our beliefs summarized in confessions. We take for granted how these creeds arm us for interaction by making Biblical truths easier to understand.


Good questions Paul,

    When I think of investment in youth, I think of quality time. As a parent, that is our greatest gift to our children. Parents need to involved in youth groups or youth need to be involved adult groups.

  Throughout history until the 20th century,  Adults and youth were not separated to degree we are now. How do we hope our children will mature into solid Christians if we don't go to their level and demonstrate our lives?

  Paul , I feel bad for youth pastors. You guys have a very difficult job doing what is a parents mission by covenant. God bless you Paul


Posted in: The Next Year

Karl, That is pretty amazing story of the Jesus at work. What a great example of community missions.

Thanks Karl for sharing. It just made my day special. Glory be to God!!


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