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Ken Libolt on May 1, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Good Food John,

  Your asking the right questions John. To address this issue on elder leadership, we have to look at our church history. We rarely wanted the leadership of our peers so they backed off because of this. Now we choose people for office based on prerceptions of who they are. We need to look for elders who understand that spiritual health of the lay people is the primary focus. Teaching, leading services, or  whatever is a role that all mature adults should strive to be envolved.


Hi Darla,

  I can relate to the you have to take charge when it comes to medical care but I find the insurance to be a bigger hurdle than the experts. But either way it is painful and exhausting.

   I have never experienced  or at least did not know about fake disabled people on the support sites. That sounds pretty disturbing that someone would do that.  Nothing surprises me though, there are a lot of angry people out there.

Thanks for story,


Sorry John for not getting back sooner, John, forgive me miss leading you why with  incorrect terms. Your correct about the influence of God in all law that agree's  with His laws. My point It is a predominantly a choice to break the law where ever the bar is set and that in today's society you have to know the law to protect everybody. That makes Ruth's comments important in spite of their lack of living up to God's standards which is debatable considering the multitude of approaches.


That’s great! We have to raise support where ever you can. This won’t solve the issue completely but it’s a move forward! Good job Canada! 

Thanks Terry, I will look them up. It must very difficult for the residents and staff! We will put you on our prayer list! Thx

Our church is starting a satellite startup in our town! Unfortunately it comes at the cost of ministry shares to the CFC! But I like this idea, grassroots evangelism aimed at the non church attenders that live with us! We are planning home gathers and a  different approach than a traditional church. I am excited! Thank the Lord!

Good post Terry, I share your concerns as a disabled person also. If there were some information or plan in place to support these concerns, I wouldn’t be writing this but there is nothing that I know of to replace what already exists! That does make me wonder what will happen! 

Good post Mark! The same thing happens to people with long term chronic illnesses like me. People drift away when there is no cure or improvement. You get to the point where you answer fine because that is the only question your asked and you get tired of saying your not! People don’t want to hear that and avoid you more! Thx Mark

Thanks Mark,(broken record) For the phone call too. God convicted me through your words. Objectivity is elusive even when your looking for it! It a good thing to be corrected by Christian brother. iT'S EVEN BETTER WHEN gOD PLACES ON YOUR MIND THAT HE IS ONE OF hIS SOLDIERS TOO.

I have been disabled for a long time. I use to think this way too but after awhile have come to a different conclusion. Yes, pastors can help and many our strong advocates while others are not. If you need or want more attention just notify the Church leaders! They should respond with help from themselves or get others to. Be active in searching out help. God will send you someone or give you the strength to carry your burden alone for a time? Help like this doesn't come easy for some including Pastors. Don't hold that against them but try to uphold everyone if possible. My biggest problem with the church when it comes to disability is the use of Capcha! Lol

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