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When the secular society takes steps to address social issues in a positive way, we should embrace this behavior even if the motive is different from ours! Showing what good behaviors look like is always positive!  

  I don’t think the ad is Stereotyping but a attempt to show what a man should strive for to be a better human! Thx

Hi Dan, I agree with some of your statement with a few exceptions. We should treat everyone with honor, respect and love as we want to be treated! We should expect that from everyone, women included. We should teach all our family included the women in our life this too. This is what God calls us to do! We all fail at this at times. I am glad Jesus provides grace to us sinners who believe in him! 

Posted in: Get Out!

This post isn’t just for Pastors, we as Lay people need to “get out” too! Good post David!

Thanks Michele, for bearing your soul about your battle and victory in Living with suffering! It is inspiring and give me added strength to keep pushing through my suffering! I have found the same thing in my suffering, the Lord is our only source of hope and peace! The suffering is like putting glasses on someone with poor vision and now can see the real truths how he wants us to live. Thx, hang in there my friend!


Hi Dan, I thank the Lord for everything! I thank the Lord is now giving us alternatives to accomplish the same thing that are better for our environment He created! The Lord provides for us in every Way through our history! It’s a blessing for sure!

I thought this post was about giving thanks for our blessings! I guess I was mistaken! Thx for your input but I feel quite comfortable on my personal views on energy! Have a good day.

We need to include everyone with our love and inclusion. I doing see this particular issue happening in my church in fact the opposite is more prevalent when it comes to church offices! The successful people get nominated before the poor, disabled and women. The attitude toward everyone should be equal. I have a lot of wealthy friends and family and never heard any complaints. But I believe you that this could be a issue to some wealthy people and we should address that. Thx for your post!

I agree with your statement about either having special vitures. But Dan I don’t think our churches do either. They are following what is written in the Bible. It easier to rely on the Lord when your under duress from poverty, sickness and hardship! It is our call to help both but the poor are more obvious candidates because it is visible like sickness, disability, etc! Thx

I don’t understand the purpose of this post. I don’t detect a movement in our church or online to not have border security. The way we do it is in hot debate but not the need! Why is this a issue being discussed here if the church recognizes this?thx


I don’t detect a move toward open borders as a movement in the church, obj, or online other than a few comments from lay people and online! Personally, I think you guys are making a mountain out of mole hole. But I will honor your opinion and not get into discussion on personal perceptions! 

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