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I don’t detect a move toward open borders as a movement in the church, obj, or online other than a few comments from lay people and online! Personally, I think you guys are making a mountain out of mole hole. But I will honor your opinion and not get into discussion on personal perceptions! 

Hi Dan, I agree with you on Jesus was not a rebel in according to the definition of rebel but he wasn’t a conformist either! He bucked the status quo of the church at that time and was the new example of how the church was going to be built! Thx

Hi Dan, I agree with you on Jesus was not a rebel in according to the definition of rebel but he wasn’t a conformist either! He bucked the status quo of the church at that time and was the new example of how the church was going to be built! Thx

Good stuff! I too have experienced this type of theological attitude! I don’t think most people have a clue that this is a fact. Maybe we can change that! Example, I had my name removed from a elders list because I was disabled! They thought it would be to much for me! 

Thx Doug, I wish everyone would visit the website you suggested! It answers a lot of questions about immigration and how to approach it! Incidentally, praying for people you don’t agree with is more of a motivation to me! 

Sorry for the mistake Michele, I was just trying to give you support in your struggles. Most people ignore these posts and would rather talk about church order or other programs that are remotely related to the Gospel. I believe in living the Gospel by taking action one person at a time.

 I am disabled too and suffer every day, so I depend totally on the Lords grace. It makes you want to help those who are suffering too.

I am sorry Michele, I will pray for for your mom! It is sad in a society that is so rich, we allow people to live this way! The first church after Christ came use to share!

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