Brian Hilbrand
I'm Brian Hilbrand, I have been a member at Grant CRC all my life. I was baptized, raised, and made profession of faith in this church. I have been running sound there since I was 12. (12-13 years). Now in 2013 I am the "Sound set up coordenator" for our church sound, where I set up our sound for Sunday worship and events in the church. Also I opperate sound for other events that take place in the church, as well as sing and sometimes play guitar in the worship band at church.
When not in church I Volunteer at various events, including an all day concert in ...
Posted in: Sound Engineers: The Hidden Treasure of the Worship Team
I posted about going to a conference and having it payed for. I didn't go to a conference, but have since designed and upgrated our entire new sysem and it has been great!!
Posted in: Livestreaming Worship and Privacy Concerns
When I originally pitched the idea I came at it because of my experiences in the world of theatre and entertainment through radio, the same way as stated above and came up with this discloser for the bulletin:
When you enter a Grant Christian Reformed Church (“Grant CRC”) service or event, you enter an area where photography, audio, Live Streaming, and video recording may occur.
By entering the event premises, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for web casts, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by Grant CRC. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote and highlight Grant CRC events in the future.
Then after a few months when I gave a detailed report to the congregation at our meetin, we decided for now we would forgo the disclosure and try to minimize non staff appearance and instead gave an exact location of where the camera angles would be facing (Keeping that our cameras are all fixed position, and on a switcher):
We will be having the cameras be as focused on the front as they allow:
*Camera #1 covered by Main Camera focused between the two trees up front. This is for the pastor, or any speaking that is going on up front on the stage between the trees.
*At this point, Camera #2 (the wide out shot) covers the stage from the piano to the drums. That same shot will also get the back of people in the first few rows when seated and standing up. But this is not a main camera and its use is minimal. So this is the camera that faces our director of music and our youth pastor, who do most of the open Welcoming, as well as the drummer who is there family member (this is under the understating from myself that they are payed staff (except drummer) like the pastor, so they appear). Any one in front 2 rows on the right side may be seen from the back, because of the angle.
*#3 is wired right out of the computer that displays the church power point, so we cut to that when minors are up front, during the singing (so it displays lyrics (not performers/ singers), and to show the scripture when the pastor speaks. This is also nice when a guest speaker wouldn’t want to be on, but wouldn’t mind audio being on.
*#4 Is usually a general graphic of the church to put up, just on the off chance something unexpected comes up and can switch to that, for privacy and copyright sake.
This has actually worked out great for us, and we did have a missionary who due to where they serve couldn’t risk being online, we just recorded the service audio and I posted that after instead.
We have not ran into an issue of having to put in the disclaimer because of the cameras being stationary and regulars, who generally are the ones who sit up front, know that the front 2-3 rows could end up in the shot briefly. So I figured if it was that much of a problem they wouldn’t sit there. The disclaimer still is on standby incase we ever decide to use it. But it’s nothing different than you see on the back of a standard concert ticket or in a major theatre playbill, only in that most people don’t realize they are there.
Semi Related: Our church does have a signed disclosure for those who do, AND those who don’t want their photo used filed with the Secritary, so we might add the video next time around just to cover ourselves.
Posted in: Does your church give first time visitors gifts? If so what do you give?
My home church use to have a guest book we passed, and people would put in contact info, and now we have a guest book when you come in but last I knew nothing gets done with that info..
That being said I would likd to say I went to a friends church (not CRC) to watch him in a Christmas program, and go there once a month to get to hang out with him at his church. I took my brother back with me to introduce him to that church, because it's a newer congrigation (Meets in a school), and he's been a hit and miss at my church. I took him there because of how from the minute you get in the door every one wants to meet you, and introduces there selves to you, and welcomes you. Well this particular Sunday, an older gentleman came over and said to my brother, "Are you a new visitor?" He makes "Welcome Bags" It includes the following: A devotional book, an ink pen with the church contact info on it, a mini folder with a brochere to summerize each of the differnt ministry oppertunities, and a church over view CD in the other. In addition to that there was also a stainless steal mug with the church name and info on, as well as a baggie with tea, hot coco, and mints in it.
I thought it was a unique idea to welcome a new visitor, who might have not been to a church. I read through it, and I would say it was a summery of that church in the bag. It was cool to see a small like maybe 50- 80 people congergation have that as a thing they do.
Posted in: Your Feedback = Chance to Win
I enjoy getting to read and post on the "Tech" part of the site, and hopefully it helps other people that read what ive wrote.
Posted in: Paid Tech ... Need Opinions
Update to this: I now have a title as "Sound Set Up Coordenator" where I set up for anything thats at church like before, but with a title. That being said, I have since got a gift card for gas, also as long as I have it set up, I am now haveing the others run the sound out in the fellowship hall. All this lets me breath a little and enjoy just attending with out running sound every time I'm in the building.
I didn't mention this above, but what I have found to help breath as well is for the past few years have been takeing the 4th Sunday morning every month and going to a friends church, ( A differnt one then mine) and getting away from my church to just hang with a friend. By that knowing I cant be approached about a problem, or can you do this or that, plus I get to see my friend :) Thank you all for your nice comments and prayers if any were offered, these things as well as them makeing it an actual title showed me they know my efforts!!
Now the new "Sound Set up Coordenator"
PS I'm also still enjoying my church just like before. I'm not saying I wasnt appeciated before, but I've feel it more lately.