Same-Sex Marriage Resources and Church Order History for CRCNA

The CRCNA has been talking for quite a while about 'homosexuality' and how to shape our care for members of our community who identify as LGBTQ+. In November 2020, we will receive a report from the committee tasked with articulating a 'foundation-laying Biblical Theology of Sexuality.'
I expect that much in this report will helpfully articulate the goodness and challenges related to our human sexuality in ways that we can all agree. But there is one significant area of human sexuality where the CRCNA community has expressed divergent views, and where the CRCNA has a long and involved history of conversation: Same-Sex Marriage.
In an attempt to help us have a transparent and helpful conversation about same-sex marriage and the church, I've been working on a document: "Same-Sex Marriage Resources and Church Order History for CRCNA." I considered posting it here, on The Network, but I am hoping that this could be a living/changing document (adding new pieces as they happen, and open to your suggestions/edits).
With that hope in mind, the folks at The Network suggested that I simply post a link to those resources. I pray this glimpse into the history of our CRCNA conversation may help us all listen to one another both with charity and respect, and discern the best way forward together.
Attached is the document "Same-Sex Marriage Resources and Church Order History for CRCNA." I offer it here as it may help interested readers more quickly access places where this conversation has been happening and what we have said in the CRCNA up to this point (for example, links to the 2016 conversation between Dr. Wolterstorff and Dr. Tuininga; links to the 2016 Classis GRE report and Dr. Cooper response; as well as a history of Church Order decisions related to Same-Sex Marriage).
Church Renewal, CRCNA and Synod
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CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
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This is an impressive piece of work. One resource I found very helpful was
My Jesus Loves Gays: Why Bible-Believing Christians Should Love and Accept LGBTQ People
by Robert Williams (Author). This book is written by a theologically conservative pastor who has effectively walked alongside LGBTQ persons. I look forward to investigating the links you have provided.
Well done. Thank you for this!
Praying fervently that the CRCNA not only continues to follow scripture by upholding the traditional one-man/one-woman stance on marriage as shown in this document, but that they do so for the last time and make it confessional!
Thanks, again!
Hi Paul,
This resource is particularly helpful especially after reading the just released report to Synod!
Much to talk about and reflect upon. As we seek to formulate a more healthy response to the sexually marginalized in and around our churches, may we also seek to pull certain logs blinding our spiritual eyes, while no longer straining at gnats. Funny, those words of Jesus were not quoted anywhere in the new document?
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