Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
A Leader’s Guide to DWELL Flex: Everything You Need to Prepare and Lead a Session
Launched in 2020, Dwell Flex is a multi-age, multi-setting version of Dwell. These simple sessions (samples here) are built to meet the specific needs of churches, whatever the coming year might look like. This post and attached video include some important details leaders will want to keep in mind as they begin using this resource.
Each session includes four simple steps: Breathe, Tell and Wonder, Pray, and Respond:
This is a chance for your group to prepare your hearts to hear God’s story. Use the simple prompt to focus your attention on God during this time.
Tell and Wonder
During this step you’ll share a part of God’s Big Story. You’ll need a copy of the story script, and the corresponding story symbol. The symbols can be downloaded from Dwell Digital (log-in required), or the Leader Support page.
If your group is mostly older elementary children, you may want to read the story directly out of the Bible. Make sure you have enough Bibles for everyone in your group, and then flip to the story together so that children can follow along as you read. Be sure to pause to allow time to wonder throughout. You can use the wondering questions from the story script in the session or brainstorm your own.
This is a time to thank God for the story you’ve heard, asking that the story impact your lives in some way. Simple prayer suggestions are included in this step, or you can view our 5 Ways to Pray with Kids resource for additional ideas.
This is a chance for your group to respond to the story you’ve heard. There are a variety of ways to respond to God’s Big Story through praise, wonder, retelling, or continued prayer. It will be helpful to have a set of God’s Big Story cards for this step, but you can also use the suggestions in our 5 Ways to Retell a Bible Story with Kids resource.
Easy Extra
After the Respond step, you’ll see an Easy Extra suggestion. These are simple activities that you can include if you have additional time. Occasionally these suggestions include an attached printable page that you will need to lead the activity. If you have a login to Dwell Digital, simply click on the attachment to access the printable. If you do not have a login to Dwell Digital, you’ll need to get the printable pages from your Dwell coordinator, or request that she add you to your church’s Dwell Digital account.
Minimal preparation is necessary to lead a session of Dwell Flex, but we would recommend you do the following if you have time:
You can find the full list of Dwell Flex stories on our Flex scope and sequence. Our stories are assembled in a rough chronological order, but as each session is stand-alone, you can use them in whatever order works for your unique situation.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything at all as you begin using these new materials. You can connect with us on our Facebook page or group, or by emailing [email protected].
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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