The Challenges Facing the Gospel at Home and Abroad

Groundwork: Turning the Soil of God’s Word
Groundwork is a 25-minute radio and podcast program using dialogue and conversation to dig into tough issues from the Bible. Hosts Dave Bast and Scott Hoezee guide listeners in thoughtful, yet casual conversations, leading them to a practical understanding of God’s Word for today’s world.
In my previous post, the episodes highlighted included some from a series on the book of Exodus. In the set below, we interrupt the study of Exodus to hear about the challenges facing those sharing the Gospel in Africa and in America in a conversation with guest host, Bishop Henry Luke Orombi, the retired archbishop of the Anglican Church of Uganda. Bishop Orombi discusses our response in light of Scripture.
The Gospel Around the World. Recently, people have sensed an urgent need to have missionaries work right here at home as much of Western society has lost touch with the Gospel. So how should we think about the need for Gospel witness and mission in the 21st century?
The Gospel in Africa. In this episode we think about the growth and impact of Christianity throughout the world. Bishop Orombi joins us again to discuss Acts 8:26-40 and his experience with the gospel in Africa.
Challenges Facing the Gospel Today. Whether it is the persecuted church or the growth of aggressively secularist societies, Christians today meet a great deal of opposition. How should we respond to these challenges?
The Exodus from Egypt. Have you ever felt like God brought you to some place in life then abandoned you? In Exodus 14 & 15, the children of Israel were between the proverbial "rock and a hard place."
I’ll continue to post each month a digest of recent Groundwork episodes right here on the Network. I encourage you, though, to explore at any time. You can also subscribe to the weekly email. And be sure to join our Facebook community (“Like” GroundworkRadio!).
Groundwork is produced by ReFrame Media in partnership with Words of Hope. Visit and sign up for a special email series introducing you to ReFrame’s entire family of programs.
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