2023 Denominational Survey Results
As part of the denominational ministry plan, Our Journey 2025, the CRCNA has contracted with DataWise Consulting to administer an annual denominational survey. The results from the 2023 survey have now been compiled.
All CRC-affiliated adults and older youth are welcome to respond to this survey as they are led. However, in order to ensure a healthy number of responses to the survey each year, CRC leaders have randomly assigned every CRC church to one of five “cohorts.” Each cohort includes about 20 percent of all active congregations, and each congregation will be asked to engage in active recruitment of responses to the survey just once every five years, according to their cohort.
In other words, every member of every CRC is welcome to participate in the survey every year, but each church will only be sought out and encouraged to respond once every five years.
In 2023, 202 churches were invited to recruit responses to the survey. A total of 1,530 people from 197 churches (101 cohort churches) responded. A report outlining the findings of this survey is attached.
This survey reports provides a glimpse of what congregations are thinking on various topics and shows where the denomination can assist them in such areas as discipleship or collaboration. It is a baseline against which future changes in the milestones of Our Journey 2025 can be measured.
It is important to note, however, that this report represents only a small slice of the CRC. While it can point to some trends, it should not be used to make broad statements or lasting conclusions.
The 2024 survey will be launched in January. The cohort of churches asked to participate in this survey will be notified by December 2023. Stay tuned to crcna.org/survey for more information.
Faith Practices, CRCNA and Synod
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
CRCNA and Synod
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