Is your church in the middle of a sermon series or getting ready to start a new one this fall? If so, what is the topic? Wouldn’t it be cool to see which passages of scripture and themes other churches are exploring?
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Council, Pastors
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Council, Pastors
Pastors, Church Renewal
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I'm nearing the end of a series of sermons on Revelation 2-3. The Seven Sermons to the Seven Churches, using notes I have from a seminar in 2008 at Redeemer College let by Dr. Jeff Weima.
For the second time, our pastors have chosen to take the themes from our Vacation Bible School and turn them into a summer sermon series. This year's series has been "When Life is 1. unfair, 2. scary, 3. changes, 4. sad, 5. good, God is good! This week we will have a wrap up sermon for the series. It has been amazing!
We (Ann Arbor CRC) will finish up our summer series on Colossians this coming Sunday. After an interim week, we'll begin our fall series walking through Exodus.
Sermon Series on "Preaching Christ from the Psalms" (source Sidney Greidanus)
This week we are starting a 2 part series called "Predicting the Future: No Crystal Ball Required" using Proverbs 6.
Then we will be doing a series on Spiritual Gifts called "From Recipient to Participant: How to Do Church"
Finishing a series (10 weeks) in the Canons of Dort Sunday morning. Preaching through the Gospel of John in the evening service (up to chapter 6 so far).
We just finished up preaching a sermon each week on each book of the Bible from Genesis through Esther. We intend to continue the summer series of seeing the Bible as a cohesive book over the next few summers. We have a good number of folks who are new to faith and often don’t see the ‘big picture’ of Scripture. It is brutally difficult to take an entire book and break it down into a 30-40 minute sermon. We began the year preaching through Daniel followed by a Lenten series on suffering and loss. We did a brief series on Jesus as prophet, priest, and king followed by the Books of the Bible series. Next we’re launching off into the gospel of Luke and ending the year with a short series on ‘family’.
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