Does anyone have a job description for a Prayer Coordinator?
I've been asked to develop a job desciption for a "Prayer Coordinator" for our congrgation. Does anyone have something that would is general enough and yet particular enoufg to be practical?
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If you google "Prayer coordinator job description" you will find a few useful documents to start your draft.
Hi John,
Although I don't have specifically what you are asking for, I was able to locate a Prayer and Spiritual Development Director job description . Here's a Classis Prayer Coordinator job description which might give you some ideas as well .
Here is a partial contract description which was used for the Church Multiplication Initiative's National Prayer Advocate. A bit broad since it covered several Kingdom Enterprise Zones. But you may see something useful for a congregational level.
The Prayer Advocate will convene and champion the Strategic Prayer and Empowerment Task Force (SPETF) to be engaged in and equipped for prayer ministry related to church plants.
Services that will be provided
· Mobilization: Articulate a Church Multiplication Initiative (CMI) vision for prayer and be responsible for the recruitment and organization of KEZ prayer teams and intercessors; Direct each KEZ prayer leader in developing a team engaged in prayer; Administer and remain accountable for the SPETF budget
· KEZ Coaching and Mentoring: Provide bi-weekly one-hour coaching conference calls for each KEZ prayer Leader on various aspects of a prayer ministry (e.g., prayer walking their communities, intercession for planters and teams, discerning strongholds in a community, building prayer shields for church planters and planting teams, establishing houses of prayer, etc.)
· Training and Equipping Events: Design and conduct webinars for prayer leaders, their team members, and intercessors; Conduct onsite visits for each KEZ for prayer and equipping
· Apprentice Zone Coaching: Begin working with apprentice zones as they show up on the radar and move towards becoming kingdom enterprise zones; Seek out leaders for coaching/equipping for participation in the SPETF
Here's a five-year old Prayer Coordinator Job Description. We no longer have this position and there are several things in the job description that we'd change to fit our current church life, but hope it helps you think about your own needs.
Job Description
The Prayer Coordinator at First CRC is a part time, volunteer position. This person will interact with staff and congregation, encouraging and enabling growth in prayer. As a result of the work of this person, First Church will grow in maturity and practice of prayer.
· Prays regularly
· Attends worship regularly
· Organized
· Administrative skills
· Communicates well with others in verbal and written forms
· Knowledgeable about prayer in its various forms
· Humble and gentle (perhaps through personal “brokenness” experience)
· Encourager
· Discerner of needs and of the Spirit
i. Via notes, phone calls and emails from staff and members
ii. From missionary care team
iii. Through personal discernment re: life of the church
i. Prayer Phone Line (updated twice weekly)
ii. Prayer Page on the Web site (updated twice weekly)
iii. To the Pastors and Worship leaders for public prayer
iv. To prayer teams as needed
i. For library
ii. For small groups
iii. For Sunday School
iv. For family devotions
i. Sunday School
ii. Wednesday night
iii. Small Groups
iv. Evening Worship
I've been reading the Prayer Saturated Church by Cheryl Sacks that has a section on developing job descriptions. It might be helpful.
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