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The other night I went downstairs to let the dogs out back, one more time before bed. This happens every night between 11 and 12 o’clock. It’s part of my bedtime routine.
I opened the door, the dogs went out, and I stood there… trying to figure out what was different. I didn’t realize what it was until I held the screen door open for them to come back in. For months, the woods behind our house have been quiet at night; but not this night. You see, the tree frogs have begun their springtime outburst! A song fills the air that had been silent for so long.
I held my breath and listened.
My eyes got a little misty.
A thought began pulsing through my mind with the rhythm of their song, a thought of hope. While sanctuaries may be silent in this moment, there will come a day when the silence, when this “be still and know” moment, will give way to a moment where we “Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.”
This season is tough. We long to gather and worship as we are used to doing. But oh, the joy when we, together with many others who will come seeking in this season, are able to sing praise together!
The scripture that God directed me to earlier this week in one of my times of devotion was Isaiah 35. The phrases that the Spirit highlighted for me are found at the end of verse 2, “…they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” These phrases are focusing my prayers as I discuss Covid-19 with the Lord. I long for people of every nation to see the glory and splendor of our God.
I pray that God somehow, in His miraculous and mysterious ways, turns Covid-19 on its head and the destruction, pain, fear, and sorrow of these days becomes a display of God’s power, grace, and love. “Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom” and the world will know He is God. People will gather to “rejoice greatly and shout for joy,” for the wilderness will have rejoiced and blossomed. The parched ground of the hearts of this world will have become fertile soil… glad to receive the Gospel seed… and by God’s great grace it will flourish, blossom and put His glory on display.
Beloved, I don’t know when or how God will act. He may miraculously annihilate Covid-19 from the globe; I continue to pray it will be so. He may use the gift of wisdom and knowledge given to scientists; I pray for that as well.
As He does that work, I have no doubt He is calling us to work at His side. Like the disciples in the garden, we are invited to watch and wait with Him. Will you press into prayer? Would you join me in waiting? Join me in watching? Join me in praying that through this, the world “will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God”?
Prayer, CRCNA and Synod
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Beautiful. We have much to learn from the songs of God's creatures. Praying, too, that my eyes will open to the splendor of God.
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