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Thank you, Katie Roelofs, from Washington DC, for this beautiful service. Katie is one of the Endorsed Worship Coaches for the Worship Ministries office. Just giving credit where credit is due. Thanks, Katie!

Loads of other free resources at  To find them type "Reconciliation" into the search bar at the top right corner of the page.  (You may be asked to register but all you need to provide is your email.)

Check out Reformed Worship issue #123 which includes "Saying Goodbye to a Pastor: A Litany of Farewell" by Joy Koning of 3rd CRC in Kalamazoo, MI.


From Reformed Worship #80 "When Pastors Come...and Go: Litanies for Services of Installation and Parting" by Mary S. Hulst and Gerald Kramer


Hi Melanie - since no one has answered your question here, why don't you try the Worship Ministries Facebook page? There are several hundred CRC worship people there who are quite actively engaged in helping each other with questions like this. If you're not already active there, you'll have to request to join - (it's a closed group so that it's focused and safe). We will approve you and then you can ask any question any time.

Thanks for your question, Jeff.  There is a large selection of instrumental music available for Lift Up Your Hearts hymnal at, click here.    Select the song, then go to the Score tab for the various FlexScores available for purchase.  

Another great resource to support Lift Up Your Hearts is the descant collection titled "Praise God in the Heights" by Larry Visser, published by Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW).  Click here for the free download.  

If you have any questions we are always happy to help.  Email us at

Yes - my church (Friendship CRC) has many of their programs meeting on Wednesday evening - Gems, Cadets, senior choir, praise team, and various fundraising suppers. Seems to work well.   (Diane Dykgraaf)

We've done webinars using the Zoom conferencing.  We've found Zoom to be quite reliable and easy to work with. One of the best pieces of advice I have is to do a practice webinar at least one day before. This allows you to work with the technology, test power point or other presentation if it's being used, and check for things like lighting in the room, background, sound, etc.

So happy and thankful for your mother-in-law's new heart. Amen to your thoughts here! Thank you for this beautiful piece.

I love my time in the car each morning listening to music.  This morning I was touched and inspired by the songs "Counting Every Blessing" by Rend Collective and "First" by Lauren Daigle.   

Laura Meyering, Adm Specialist

Thanks, Allen. Sounds like an awesome ministry you have there in Niagara Falls. I appreciate your intentional connection to the community there. I'd like to hear some of that blues music! -Diane

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