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Paul prayed three times for his "thorn in the flesh" to be wasn't, but not for lack of faith.  God rebuked Job's three friends in anger and Job prayed for his mercy on them.  You chose excellent biblical examples to speak to this issue!

The natural progression of the seasons show God's faithfulness. In spite of drought conditions this summer, farmers in NW Iowa are harvesting a good crop again this year for which we are thankful!

It was a helpful event for disability advocates and I'm glad I could attend virtually...thanks again to the organizers and speakers!!

Sonja,  your post articulates not just the physical but also the mental/emotional/spiritual struggle for those of us living with a chronic illness.  I have ulcerative colitis and understand this struggle.  As a disability advocate, I would like to use excerpts from your article in our church newsletter...may I have your permission to edit and print it with full credit to you?

Wonderful post! I also play flute as worship and I wish I could play by ear.  You have a special gift!  I'm glad that you share've inspired me to play my flute today :)

Hi Jess, Thanks for sharing how God is teaching you reliance on Him...we all need that! I noticed you're from LeMars and I just wanted to let you know about a NAMI support group that meets monthly in Sioux Center the first Tuesday at 7 at Central Reformed Church. We learn about mental illnesses and discuss our own/family member's experiences.

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