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Thank you for this pastorally-wise reflection on the beautiful (and challenging) opportunities for communal discernment that being part of a denomination affords us.  The Candidacy Committee relies very heavily on this beautiful work of community discernment in our work--with mentors, classis leaders, seminary professors and many others joining candidates in their discernment about call to ministry. And I personally have often stood in awe of how God works to lead and direct the body of Christ in all its complex diversity and brokenness. As it says in 1 Cor. 12:22, I very often find that "the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable" in helping us hear the voice of God. Discernment requires a heart of humility towards God and others and a surrender of power/agenda that seeks God's will over ours.  I am thankful for the CRC's commitment (and ongoing struggle) to be faithful to Scripture and also responsive to the Spirit's leading. May the Lord continue to work among us, teaching us how to live into that posture in all our decision-making and relational connections with each other.

Peter, I think you're absolutely correct that the problems are much more complex and far-reaching. Seminaries (and colleges) all over North America are experiencing very low enrollment and I think we all feel the increased sense of "exile" that you mentioned.

And surely you are also correct that we all need to be responsive to the Spirit's conviction in the areas of sin that you mentioned and many others.  It has been lamentable that we have had to focus some much time and energy on the topic of human sexuality--but please note that the focus has never been to condemn or reject those struggling with sexual sins, but to correct teachings that contradicted the Church's historical stance on a moral issue. 

Tom, you named a real challenge regarding distance learning. There is no way to give students the same sense of close connection to peers/professors through distance learning programs and that's a disadvantage. Both CTS and the EPMC Facilitation Team try to be very intentional about creating spaces for students to connect in person (during intensives/connection trips) and online in ongoing formation groups, and I think that helps a lot. I myself went through a distance learning MDiv program and I found those intensive connection experiences SO rich and formative. But surely nothing beats in-person!

Ron, I appreciate those thoughts about how valuable it is for a congregation to really live into the priesthood of all believers instead of operating in complete dependence on a pastor.  It's easy for the pastor/church relationship to get co-dependent! The Thrive staff advise search committees not to rush into filling the vacancy when a pastor leaves, partly for the reasons you named. A year or two without a pastor can really be valuable for a congregation to rally together, reassess their priorities and mission and start doing the work of ministry that they had always left up to the pastor! So I agree with you on all of that and also stand by the value of having someone who has studied and trained to do preaching and pastoral work leading, equipping and nurturing the gifts of the congregation.

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