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You have hit the nail on the head in my opinion.  My husband (and I) has served as interim pastor, pulpit supply and student pastor, in many churches and several denominations.  Seeing a flag in the sanctuary always hit me as being wrong, but I was not really articulating what was wrong with it from a Biblical stand point.  It felt distracting and misplaced given the "worship" space, maybe because growing up the sanctuary  was just that; a holy space where voices were hushed and feet were slowed.  In many ways that has been lost already, but to add national flags, or any flags representative of the world, don't belong in "God's space".  We should leave our worldliness at the door before entering into worship of the God of the Universe, the Creator of ALL things, and the Almighty King.  Flags are designed to incite emotional reactions, and our emotions should be focused with our hearts and minds towards God alone during worship.  We face enough distractions when we leave church - emotional as well as political, economical, etc.  Let's keep the sanctuary sancitfied and our eyes on the cross. 


This was a topic of conversation with a member yesterday over lunch.  She asked how I handle it when people approach me at church on Sunday regarding business.  My response is simple and direct, firm yet kind.  

I explain that because I am not "at work" I don't save to memory what is discussed with me about business on Sunday.  If it is important... please send me an email, or leave a written note on my desk, so that I don't forget a detail and there is a record of the request which I can refer back to.  I let them know that their request is worth my attention... when I am at work.  Also by explaining that if even half of the people at church came to me with a verbal request on Sunday, I would inevitably forget one, and that would consume my thoughts for the day!   This approach has stopped the issue completely, and by setting the boundary immediately upon taking this position it set the tone of how I am treated on Sunday.  That is not to say that if there was something critical, or an "emergency" that I would refuse to assist, it's simply that most administrative work can be dealt with another day. 


Recently came across Voddie Baucham during my Apologetics studies.  This man is so straight forward and a strong Calvinist with a deep understanding of the Theology yet with the gift of being able to make it simple for us to understand AND to explain.  That is always the key, we must be able to "give the reason for the hope which we have." (1 Peter 3:15b) which means it is deeper than just "a feeling" it is fully MIND, BODY & SPIRIT.  Like the Trinity, there are 3 full engagements required and that is why Voddie gets a 2 thumbs up from me.

Patty Borger, Administrator

Personally when I started I used the WORD format, and it is pretty good.  Publisher is far better though because you can move things around easier.  I switched to Publisher for my weekly bulletins as well. 

If you would like me to send you a copy please email me your request at [email protected]



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