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I heard an exciting story on NPR yesterday about how the ADA has influenced architecture. The dean of the college of Architecture and Urban Planning for the University of Michigan was talking about universal design. Universal design principles take into account all the different ages of life and the differences in people's abilities. Universal design aims at creating spaces where everyone can live and move comfortably. Check out the story here:

Thanks for the great ideas! We don't often use images on PowerPoint. I've never thought of the importance that might have for children. Do you have any suggestions on where to find the images?

Thanks for passing along these ideas! During the song service, how is the story chosen for the children? Does it relate to the morning's sermon, or to Sunday school, or does it follow its own sequence? Are the stories read from a children's storybook, or shared by a storyteller?

Thanks for this great article, Neil. We use the Jesus Storybook Bible for our children's worship time at church. Each of our Elders take turns sharing the story so that they can get to know the children and be part of thier spiritual formation.

I like your suggestion about making a list of FAQ's. Parents as well as Elders and other church leaders may appreciate the articles and ideas on this website:

This site looks great, Marcel. Here's another web resource that I always recommend-- It was helpful to me when I was a youth director. My favorite feature is the game search ( It suggests games for your group based on criteria you select (size of group, indoor/outdoor, messy/clean, etc.). The slang dictionary is also fun (

Jolanda Howe on February 18, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Interesting comment from parents! I think I'll highlight that in the blog to see if others are hearing the same thing. I'll start a new thread with the question of where to donate extra Sunday school curriculum-thanks for the great ideas!

Posted in: It's For Me Too!

Jolanda Howe on February 11, 2014

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks Kim! I got a little help from Faith Alive's editor Karen DeBoer on the last week's article--she's full of great ideas. She has a Beat the Winter Blah's dinner at home every year with her husband and kids. They wear shorts, cook burgers, and pretend it's 80 and sunny! So you are right, these ideas transfer to other contexts too!

Jolanda Howe on January 6, 2014

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks Leon! We've already had one snow day so I'll be recalculating for sure!

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