Marcel deRegt
I currently serve with Youth Unlimited with 15+ years of youth ministry experience within the context of the local church. I started youth ministry programs in two churches, leading them as a volunteer. Spent the past 5 years serving full-time as Youth Pastor at Cornerstone CRC. Before Cornerstone CRC, I worked 11 years with the Bible League and 7 of those years as their Youth Ministries Director. In addition to my former employment and years as a church youth leader, I have experience networking with youth workers in the context of my local community and nationally with the Christian Reformed Church of Canada. I also serve as an advisor to the Youth Specialties Canadian Youth Workers Convention and led multiple intergenerational trips to places like Russia, Philippines, China, India, Nigeria, Zambia and Israel.
Personally, I am committed to following Christ wherever called, a devoted husband and father of three beautiful children and a man who is passionate about using my God-given gifts to help churches and their youth workers challenge youth to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.
Posted in: How to Choose a Bible Study
Great suggestion Dana. For those interested in checking out Questions From A Pickle Jar, here are the links:
Questions From A Pickle Jar is a Faith Alive Resource.
Posted in: Love On...
This website does not have any job descriptions available to view but feel free to email me at [email protected] and I can send you some that way as well as interview questions etc. Hope this is helpful.
Posted in: Youth Workers and Councils: It Can Work!
Mark, Great comment! In my previous church we did the Myers Briggs Personality Test between the staff members. It was incredibly helpful to us in understanding each others personalities and how to work with each one uniquely. It was a great tool to work through with fellow staff members. Thanks for pointing this out.
Posted in: Parenting the Parents
You are correct in saying that when you turn your children over to youth groups with leaders you expect them to take some responsibility. I could not agree more but.....
There seems to be a trend with parents within the church to run to the youth pastor to solve many of the problems their youth are facing. If there is a disturbance within youth group the youth pastors and the volunteers will do their best to take care of the situation. But if the probelm continues outside of youth, or if it is a personal conflict due to personalities of the youth involved, I feel it to far more benificial for parents to talk directly to each other first before brining in a 3rd party.
Posted in: Is it healthy for a council led church to have full time staff as a permanent part of council as an elder or deacon?
When I was youth pastor at Cornerstone CRC in Chilliwack I was ordained as an Administrative Elder in the role of Youth Pastor. Thus I attending both the Administrative Elder meetings and the Pastoral Elder meetings. It was hugely beneficial to my ministry in Chilliwack to be on both bodies. Personally I would recommend that any full time paid Youth Workers be permitted to attend both meeting whether they are ordained or not.
I believe there is more value in attending as council meetings than trying to avoid them.
Posted in: Script for Biblical Drama (Teenagers)
The Skit Guys have some scripts available. Perhaps one of them might work for you. Here is the link:
Posted in: Memorizing the Catechism...
I would rather see today's youth memorize Bible passages instead of the Heidelberg. The Heidelberg is a great tool to help us understand the Scriptures from a Reformed perspective but if we are going to make our youth memorize, let them memorized the infallible, inspired Word of God.
Posted in: Survey on Program Model
WOW! Sounds like a great ministry you have with your after school program. Can you lay out for us how the 3 1/2 hours look from week-to-week? Do the youth run around and play? Is there some structure to it other than a meal and worship time? Has the ministry grown in the past 5-years? How many volunteers do you have to run the ministry?
It sounds like you have something good going here and perhaps this is an idea that other Youth Workers across North America might be interested in promoting in their respective churches.
Thanks 'Skuipers'
Posted in: Synod Discussion on Adolescents
The discussion is on "Ministry to Adolescents within the CRC. When they mention 'Adolescent' they are referring to youth as young as grade 6 to young adults in their early 20's. Perhaps the title of this blog should read Adolescents not Young Adults - the change will be made. Thanks.
Posted in: Synod Discussion on Adolescents
I agree, there does not seem to be anything new in the article. As youth workers within the CRC we need to take a more holistic approach to ministry and realize that ministering to youth is just as much about ministering to the entire family. We have separated youth ministry from the rest of the church causing this huge gap resulting in youth and young adults leaving the church. As youth workers we need to be intentional about not separating youth ministry from what the rest of the church - it's time for full integration. If this becomes the approach Youth Pastors/workers will focus not just on youth but more on the entire Family - both of the youth and the family of believers. Discipleship will take place - Duet 6:4-9. As a church, if we truly live out Duet 6:4-9 the church will experience Acts 2:42-47. That's not just youth ministry - it's kingdom minded MINISTRY!
Posted in: Synod Discussion on Adolescents
Mark, you make some great points for consideration. Would you be willing to share some more about the discussion that took place at the meeting. It will be helpful for youth workers across North America to read about the 'excitement' that you are talking about.
I agree with your comment about David Stewart. Reading what you wrote has encouraged me to call David and ask him about his Young Adult Ministry and to talk about how that has effected the Young Adult 'fall-out' rate at his church. Perhaps, I can get David to share his thoughts via the network.
Posted in: Synod Discussion on Adolescents
Ty, thanks so much for posting this for clarification. I hope youth workers will take the time to read it and comment on it. Let's keep the discussion going.