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wondering why you say "we also have a secure Wi-Fi . . . for the congregation to access their electronic devices (outside of worship)." I love using YouVersion to look up the Bible texts on my smartphone. I can check out different translations from what's projected on the screen and from the printed Bibles.


I do also love the idea of tweeting during the service, perhaps because I've been to a lot of conferences where that's a common practice during the workshop to help people process what they are hearing and go back to it later . . . also to share insights with their followers.

Just thinking about some of the school shootings in the news over the years . . . seems like these lessons are equally applicable for how to treat boys as well as girls.

Definitely! You've put your finger on why I feel so at home when I visit World Renew's field work. I grew up in a rural town, and most of World Renew's overseas work takes place in very rural places that many NGOs have not reached. It's amazing how similar the issues of the day are whether you are in rural Guatemala or Uganda or rural USA. 

Wendy Hammond on May 9, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thank you Donna, glad to know that they are appreciated! (and being read :-)

Posted in: Wag the Dog

As someone who works for one of the agencies that is suggested for four offerings per year (we don't get ministry shares though), I sincerely hope that the offering calendar does not inhibit local ministry. It's a suggestion, not a mandate. I know of many churches that don't take any special offerings - instead everything is budgeted. 

You seem to imply that having strong denominational ministry must come at the expense of local congregations. I think God's vision has room for both. I just posted an article about churches that think they are too poor to do missions - and will be posting another one next week. I hope that we can overcome this scarcity mentality and recognize the immense wealth of gifts that God has given us. 

Wendy Hammond on May 29, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thank you for sharing that, it's an important message. It reminded me of when my Dad was still farming potatoes and onions - we would always have people stop by during harvest season and ask for seconds. He would usually give them a bag of "firsts" that he had set aside to bring home that night for our family. My mom would get angry that he "forgot" to bring home the potatoes again. It was an excellent lesson for me. 

Posting on behalf of Pastor Ken Prol:

"Thanks for this encouraging article, Wendy. As one who is planning to ride from Grand Rapids to Montreal, I was concerned at first about trying to raise the required $5,000. What I found is that people have been much more generous toward this cause than I had expected. Sure, some still think I am a little crazy, but they have helped me exceed my original goal. My new goal is set at $10,000 and I believe my friends and relatives will bring me to that goal. All I had to do is ask and then tell why I am riding and the money flows. God is good!


Wendy Hammond on August 9, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I wonder how the Factbook arrives at its data vs Operation World? I just double checked the sites and you are right, they provide different statistics.

Wendy Hammond on June 1, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I'm so glad that VIS is able to help Grand Rapids-area churches take the next steps. Not everyone is ready to jump in to the Communities First methodology. Those that do find it very rewarding - watch for an upcoming Network blog!

Wendy Hammond on August 10, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks for sharing that, Ken. Arturo will be in my prayers. And, look for a guest post in a couple of weeks from ASJ/AJS about what it's like to do ministry in Honduras, the country with the highest murder rate in the world.

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