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have you considered, "the Measure of a Man" by Gene Getz? I was with a group that has been using it for years and it is very appealing to seekers as well.

Hey Mike,
Sorry it took so long, I haven't checked out the SG section for awhile.

Check out ReGroup, a DVD study that helps groups learn to be communal groups. I've had great success with this.

Also check There is a lot of great stuff on that site. Also has fantastic study resources as well. I renew my membership every year and it is 110 % worth it.


Yeah, Alan Danielson is the bomb.  Super guy too. I got to hang out with him a lot at the Right Now Conference.  That particular study has really motivated our group.  I've used it with our newer groups to kinda get them on the right track. 

sorry Mike, I don't know what I didn't include that in my earlier post.  Also, is in a makeover so that each church can customize thier own online leader training using  SGT's training videos and it allows you to upload your own content and decide which or all the leaders you think need the material. is also another site that is worth every penny. 


That is a very good study too.

Another one I just previewed that came out from Lifeway is called "Building Biblical Community" by Bill Donahue and Steve Gladen.

I'm excited to give it a go.  The DVD sessions are wonderfully solid and the workbook is very challenging.


Good stuff here,

One thing I would suggest is that your SG Coordinator get some coaching.  And since you're in Jenison MI I would suggest contacting  Sam Huizenga at the CRC Home offices who can set your director up.  I would also encourage the church to expand the library to include some of the books -- or all of the books -- suggested in the Forum discussion Small Group Resources.  If your director was very involved in Coffee Break I would suggest some broader reading to deepen a SG philosophy for the whole church.  

I'm also available for consultation with her online, by phone or skype.  Just let me know.


I have struggled with this whole Christian Day school issue since my kids were small. They've attended about half and half of their school careers. Without getting too deep into it, I see inherent problems with the current state of most Christian school philosophies especially when it comes to the mission of the church to the world around it.
I have watched parents abdicate their responsibilities to Deut 6:6-9 and leave it up to the school to educate. I've seen many schools try to play the role of the church by using church curriculum. And there is an issue at hand of parents having to scrape every dime together to pay for Christian ed at the detriment of tithing to the ministry of the church which is first and foremost.
I do not believe that sending your children to Christian school should be a requirement for serving in office. Anyone who says so is reading much more into "ruling your household well" than Paul ever intended.

We use their tear off too and it works quite well. You have to make sure that guests are welcomed from the pulpit and encouraged to fill it out. We encourage our people to also connect with the visitors to encourage them to do the same. We don't get a lot of traffic since we're a little church 10 miles out of town, but we are getting guests that are beginning to return because of follow up.

I've used Song Show plus which is certainly the cat's meow. We use Easy Worship here in Alamosa, CO. It is very affordable and easy to use.

Kris, this is spot on.  The six points you listed are key for sure. Why we think de-churched or people far from God should act like Christians when they come to church is beyond me.  It makes no sense.  Thanks again for posting.

Thanks for this, Rick.  

It always amazes me that people think it's so difficult to simply connect with the neighbours.  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that people think once you do you have to know all the ways to lead someone to Christ -- the bridge image or 4 spiritual laws or something. But we only think that way if we are viewing these neighbours as projects.  This is so backwards.

If we follow Christ's method, our engagement with just loving our neighbours and getting to know them and enjoy them as friends may just lead them to ask questions about what makes us tick, why we follow Jesus.... and, "hey, you're not like other Christians I know, judgmental and moralistic.  How come?"  

This is a great start for people.  

Thanks Rick.

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