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Hi Kory -- do you mean the police will only do 3 per month, or that turn-around is 3 months?  If turn-around is 3-months, you could phase it in.  If the police will only do 3 per month, that is a different problem....and one that you may wish to discuss along the political route since it creates the irony of the police process being the impediment to background checks.  As for other organizations, have you looked into this:

All the best as you sort this out.  Feel free to contact me at ServiceLink if I can offer any assistance ([email protected])

Hi Peter -- you may already know this, but BTGMI publishes 'Cada Dia' -- a Spanish equivalent to the 'Today' devotionals.


In the past, Back to God has gracious provided copies of Cada Dia that our mission teams have given to local pastors in Honduras, who have used the booklets for developing sermons, as well as group Bible studies and for local evangelism.  Most monthly booklets have a fairly focused theme.  I particularly recall how the issue focusing on 'The Names of God' was very well received by some local pastors as they planned sermons and Bible studies.  While the content is written as a daily devotion, it tends to flow as a theme and can be adapted for use in a Bible study group.

I have found that, when determining what to post, two effective filters are (1) does this contribute toward building community or projecting a community that others will want to be part of, and (2) does this facilitate outreach by providing our members with something they can use to invite non-members to attend or participate in.

Hi Doug.  You are correct that at this point in time, there is only one US church (Bellevue, Washington) because they have agreed to be part of the pilot/testing process.  The Ontario churches that are currently listed are all from Classis Niagara; the classis that also agreed to be part of the pilot project.  The majority of Canadian classes have approved adopting the Bridge App, and as CRCNA staff we will now be concentrating on bringing those churches onboard.  But, outside of Classis Niagara, with the lone exception of Bellevue, all other users would select 'Online App Church'.

As for the directory question, there are a couple considerations.  There are legal aspects relating to this data that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  Many churches are fully onboard with uploading of their directory data since they currently have digital or print versions of that same data, and those directories are available to verified members.   And there is no single platform that churches use for their d-bases.  In building the directory function of The Bridge, we have attempted to find a compromise that works for the majority of churches.  For those with no d-base, right up to those with a sophisticated system, an Excel template has been created.  Some can do a straight export from their existing software.  Others can do a cut and paste, or enter only the essential data.  In consultant with the pilot project churches, this was suggested as the best compromise.

Keep in mind that you are looking at what is essentially the pre-release version of The Bridge.  It is encouraging to see the excitement about this App.  But, as part of the team that has been working on The Bridge App, the most exciting aspect is that the best ideas have yet to be discovered.  As The Bridge rolls out, we are looking forward to hearing from churches how this App can be used to build bridges within their congregations, and between their congregation and the communities they seek to serve and reach.  We have no idea what new features the Bridge App will have in 4-5 years, except that we need to start now and then build toward those possibilities.

As for when The Bridge will be available in Oregon, that's a question for the senior leadership of the CRCNA, as well as for your local classis (FYI, the Canadian classes that adopted the App have also approved providing funding for the next phase of the project)

In developing The Bridge, one of the principles relating to the directory is that churches and individual users would have primary control over that content.  We have sought to make it as easy as possible for churches to upload their directory data -- via an Excel template that merges data with the fields in The Bridge.  But there is no 'standard' for church databases.  As Bryan states, The Bridge is not intended to replace a church's ChMS, but we do want to allow for the easiest movement of data, while also ensuring that this data remains under the control of the local church and the user.  I hope that helps with the principles behind the data management question.  How this will play out will vary from system to system and from church to church.

Here is a list that ServiceLink has compiled, with 10 tips for showing church volunteers how much you appreciate them.  Many of these ideas are 'common sense' actions that volunteer leaders will already be aware of and following, but some may spark new ideas.  National Volunteer Week is also a good opportunity to give thanks, during the congregational prayer, for the faithful volunteers who are such a blessing to our congregations.

  1. Know your volunteers - Look for ways to spend some time with them and learn about who they are and about their lives. Where do they work? Who makes up their family? Ask about vacations. What significant dates are important in their lives? Showing you care about them indicates you’re interested in them personally and not just in completing a task.
  2. Ooze with encouragement either verbally or in writing. Tell your volunteers they did a great job. Share with them the impact they are making in your ministry. Send a card or an email. Let them know you’re praying for them.
  3. Care for your volunteers - Caring for your volunteers goes beyond knowing them. What are some of the things that they require in order to do their tasks? How about making sure they have access to workspace, computers and equipment. How about providing snacks for meetings or training events. This helps reduce the formality of meetings and may give people an excuse to come early or stay a bit later to build relationships.
  4. It’s all about Jesus! Every volunteer must see how their ministry connects to the gospel and changed lives – if not they’re only doing a task. So tell them! Tell them how their ministry connects to the mission of your church and the building of God’s Kingdom.
  5. Show them the ropes - You cannot expect volunteers to deliver quality ministry without some intentional training and team building. Provide the necessary resources in order for volunteers to be effective in their roles, as well as transferring attitudes, competencies and knowledge.
  6. Affirm their gifts - Sometimes people’s gifts are so natural to them that they don’t recognize them as such. When we highlight volunteers’ gifts we acknowledge both their gifts and the Giver of gifts, encouraging them to continue using those gifts to bless others.
  7. Respect their time - Volunteers have busy lives outside of ministry responsibilities. They may already be working long hours or need to arrange babysitters for their children. Lack of time is the most common reason people won’t commit to ministry involvement. So be prepared for your meetings, start on time and return calls and emails promptly. By respecting their time, you value them as volunteers.
  8. Keep them in the loop - People want their lives to matter, to know that they are important to the overall mission and vision of your church. So if there are new initiatives in ministry or changes in programs, keep volunteers informed and share the vision so they don’t feel awkward when other members may inquire of them.
  9. Cover their costs - Investing in a volunteer’s personal growth is a high level of appreciation. Is there a conference that would enhance their gifts and take them to a new level of responsibility? Invite them to participate in growth opportunities and cover their expenses.
  10. Say thanks! Just as you were taught from early on, saying please and thank you is good manners. Say “thank you” often and mean it.

There is also a page for Elders and Deacons on the ServiceLink site, with job description templates for elders and deacons.  These can be modified to fit the specific needs within any given congregation.  You can find them at:

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