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Agreed! We recently moved our family from a large church to a smaller one. My husband and I, after 6 years of not being able to use our gifts, are now using our gifts in service on a weekly basis. But the more interesting fact is that our three teenagers are thriving now in a small youth group where they didn't in the large one with all the"glitz". After the first over night youth retreat, our oldest came back and said, "I know everyone's name now". The once shy, uninvolved teen is now at every youth event- where eveyone knows his name too. 

I think this is the best one yet! Without close relationships in our congregation and community, people will start just staying home and watching their favorite pastor online!! In a small church, if someone did this, they would get a phone call that afternoon checking to see if they were ill.  In a large church, no one would notice their absence.  

You're right on!!!!  Growing up in a small church, I was able to play the piano and serve in the nursery and teach VBS starting at 11 years old! Even young teens weren't spectators. What valuable experience I received and carry with me today. I was 15 years in a large church as a young adult, and it was sad for me to never see teens participating in music. The pianists were great and very professional, but the teens didn't have opportunities to serve. Does God want only professionalism, or willing servants? I think the latter.

I grew up in a small, rural church and I never thought it was "least". I'm so thankful that our pastor and elders didn't think it was "least" either. They led well and taught the Word- whether to 10 or to 50.  I grew by leaps and bounds spiritually. I was also able to use my gifts of music at a very young age by playing the piano or organ on Sundays- something I never could have done in a large church.  I'm thankful to have grown up in a small church and I'm thankful to be back in one!


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