Has the leadership of the CRCNA given any consideration to providing the churches guidance in the wake of the spread of the Coronavirus?
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
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Hi John. CRC Chaplaincy just posted this resource that might be of use to you and others as you think about how to prepare for and respond to coronavirus in your church community.
This is what we sent to our congregation on March 4th. We will follow up this week with more information. We are putting together a Task Force who will keep on top of this matter for our Council.
Memorandum To: Members of Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church
From: Council Date: March 4, 2020
RE: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Precautions
Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church Council is monitoring the developments surrounding the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). To date we have not put any restrictions on any church activities, worship services or celebration of the Lord’s Supper. We will continue to monitor the situation and will advise according to the recommendations of Fraser Health Authority and the BC Centre for Disease Control.
For now, we will continue to follow the best practices accepted for the cold and flu season and we encourage you to exercise vigilance and discretion as you participate in church activities. Distributing the elements of the Lord’s Supper will continue as usual but we may adjust this, if necessary, to help prevent the transmission of germs from one communicant to the other. During worship we will encourage to forgo our customary handshake greeting and suggest instead a smile, maybe with a wave, and a heartfelt, "Good morning! Peace be with you." We do remind you to be vigilant about handwashing and encourage you to use the hand sanitizer available at the entryways. Those who are experiencing flu-like symptoms please remain at home and participate in the worship services via livestreaming until are fully recovered.
At this time, most of us have little immediate risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. Yet many of us may be worried about the disease. Fear and anxiety around this disease could lead to social stigma towards certain ethnicities, and in the broader community there may have initially been some misplaced stigma and discrimination toward the Asian population or nationalities where this disease appears to have originated. In recent weeks this has become a global disease and it is now more obvious to assist in fighting these stigmas and be the gracious, supportive Christ-followers that the Holy Spirit is growing us to be. Let us reveal our Christian love in the way we respond to the COVID-19 crisis.
For more information on COVID-19, go to: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/coronavirus/coronavirus-questions-general-public#.Xl1uHh9KiCg
For further clarification please contact the office at info@fleetwoodcrc.org.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Chair of Council
That is a great letter! One of our members who thinks we are over reacting made a comment about how we don't shake hands but everyone touches the offering bag. I told him I wasn't touching the bag anymore :-)
Starting this week we are changing the way we take the offering. Deacons will be stationed at the exits with offering plates and people can give their offerings as they leave the sanctuary. It won't be forever, but during this outbreak we want to be as safe as possible.
Hi John. Church Juice, a program from Back to God Ministries, just published this helpful resource to assist churches in dealing with coronavirus concerns in their churches and communities.
Looks like the above URL did not work but here it is: Communicating Clearly: How to Handle Coronavirus at Your Church.
The CRCNA recently published this advice as well.
Here's a good resource from Church Juice: https://churchjuice.reframemedia.com/blog/resources-for-your-church-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic
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