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Ontario friends!: "Our Doors are Open" are offering free workshops for congregations welcoming folks with disabilities and families until the end of November. This is a project out of the Ontario College of Art and Design, with funding from the Government of Ontario. They provide workshops for faith communities throughout Ontario to "help increase inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities in worship services, events, and all activities of the community."

Below is some more information, or please visit their website at Let us know your experiences!

Workshops are Free of charge. For workshops we deliver at places of worship (e.g. churches), we often give out a Free Guidebook at the end of the workshop for the participants to use in their communities.

We require a screen, projector, a microphone if there are a lot of participants and sound system/speakers to connect our laptop to.

We also offer seminars to train-the-trainers - i.e. seminars that train one how to give workshops at your place of worship (e.g. church community). For example, if you have a meeting with pastors of different church communities, we can offer a seminar for them so they can deliver workshops in their church communities.

The "Our Doors are Open" project is funded by the Government of Ontario and therefore we focus on giving workshops in Ontario. We are based in Toronto. If we have to give a workshop in a location very far from Toronto, then we offer workshops through Skype or Webinar.

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