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The worship was really wonderful - and as the Psalms permeated every aspect of Symposium and began to be realized more and more by those who attended from around the world, there was an incredible spirit of ministry and awareness of God's presence. There was a depth and richness that grew out of soaking ourselves in the Psalms for 3 full days - entering both the pain and the joy of the Psalms and scripture. Highlights for me were the worship services, and especially the Psalm Festival on Friday evening. Singing with 1200 people who love to sing is amazing. After working on Psalms for All Seasons, it was especially rewarding to see people using it, and being blessed by it.

Posted in: Bird's Eye View

Thank you for the honesty, Katie. I love this. I also recommend giving your leaders a break - a week off here and there - let them go worship somewhere else and be refreshed. Sundays come every week - relentlessly. Taking care of our souls - and of our leaders - so important! 

Thank you, Sean. This is a good word for the church today. My prayer is that we can all learn to take next steps together - and have these conversations honestly and respectfully, honoring each other as fellow citizens of the kingdom. I hope (and trust) you will be busy facilitating these for the CRC in the upcoming weeks and months. 

Thank you for posting this - I hope everyone who cares about the CRC will join in praying. Thank you for offering a variety of opportunities and suggestions for prayer. 

Thank you, Luann. This is right on!  In this same thought, we are looking for intercessors during Synod 2023 - anyone can sign up for 30 minute slots to pray from wherever they are. We (the CRC Prayer Team) invite you to participate. (sign up here:

Thank you, Laura! Thank you for reminding us to be curious. God is up to something - and we may not always understand but I pray that the Spirit will continue to move in mighty ways. Even through Calvin, even through us. And btw, I want to thank you for that sermon on Colossians a few weeks ago at the Worship Symposium. I have shared the link to it with many friends because of the truth you spoke so well and the impact it had on me and others. 

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