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yes, I'm grateful for how God is using Moses in the crc to help encourage prayer (#4), the recent prayer summit was a beautiful testimony of one piece of how God is answering that prayer in our denomination... thank You Jesus, for what you are doing in the crc, as part of Your Bride...

Bev Sterk on January 20, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

we are humbled as well...  there is so much potential not only for Whatcom County (yes, we are in the NW corner of WA and includes Bellingham and Lynden) but for His Church everywhere, and it seems like we are just on the front edge as we are getting more and more "prophetic" pieces of what God wants for this area.  It's when we connect with other believers from different congregations in the area that the pieces start coming together and we see a similar focus that God isn't just giving to one congregation, but to His Body in the area.   Each area has it's own unique flavor, struggles, needs, and I think it's important each area seeks His leading for that particular region.  He's an infinitely creative God, and so I don't think He's going to give us cookie cutter "programs" that we can "market", for how He wants to move in each area, but He is going to ask us to seek Him in prayer first.  He wants everyone to come to Him in prayer instead of just copying what worked somewhere else.

 Prayer is a key for being in alignment with and sensitive to Him.  He's not going to let us get away, anymore, with doing it "our own way" and avoiding time with Him (we (the prayer center) have found significant prayerlessness in the North American Church =(, Pentecostals do a little better than traditional denominations, with many spiritual leaders (95% is the statistic from one survey) spending 5 minutes or less a day in prayer).  His command is to love Him first with heart, soul, mind and strength, and then love our neighbor.  We are in danger of flipping these 2 in priority with the emphasis on loving our neighbor through  "social justice", the "social" gospel, and being "busy" with justice issues.  We have to keep those commands in the right order.  Dan, getting these 2 reversed is so subtle, because justice is biblical, but not if it's coming before our love relationship with Him, not if we are doing justice out of our own efforts and using our busy-ness to avoid spending time with Him.

We have found that when a ministry is "birthed" in prayer (and this includes hours of laboring as part of the time spent in His Presence, not just a few minutes here and there and not just "God bless these ideas"), the fruit is night and day difference beyond other efforts that did not come from the labor of prayer and having our relationship with God first.  I hope that makes sense, as it's a complicated and subtle distinction, but one that we are finding is key.   We (north american believers) intellectually know prayer (relationship with God) is important, but we do not practically live it.  One of the lines from the movie "night at the museum, the Smithsonian" is General Custer says. "We're Americans, we don't plan, we do!"  What I believe is the case for many north american believers is "we don't pray, we do!"  and I've been there myself for about 20 years.  we're good at being Miss Marthas - she's so practical and efficient, and struggle with "wasting" time in His Presence as Miss Mary chose to do.

again, there is so much potential.  Just last fall, He blew us away through prompting us to ask a simple question that ends up potentially impacting thousands of believers thousands of miles away in Indonesia, with potential to bring unity between the charismatic and reformed streams.  There's no way we could have coordinated that with our own efforts, and with a simple question, it opened doors and made connections that could only be Divinely orchestrated.


Posted in: The 2 Judgements

forgot to mention worship as eternal...  how about the fruits of the Spirit?  and don't our trials and sufferings have some eternal value...

Posted in: The 2 Judgements

hmmm...   another scripture with a similar concept to the Matt. 16:27 that has been on my heart re the judgment is in I Cor.3  where our work will be revealed for what's eternal and what's not, with great regret for investing in what is not and some reward for what does make it through the fire and is eternal.  

the reward concept for what we do, is also mentioned in Matt. 6:4 with giving, 6b with prayer, 18 with fasting,  and 19-21 and  Luke 6:35 as well as several other places,  so at some point between now and eternity this is going to be determined somehow.    and then we have the whole crown concept, where we receive crowns for various reasons.  From my perspective, I feel like we in the CRC kind of have had a disdain for the reward aspect of good works... and that we're not too focus on them at all, just the fact that we are grateful for our salvation - which of course we are...  so I'm not sure why scripture mentions the concept if that's not suppose to be a motivator at all.   I know the reformed position is that all our good works are out of gratitude for salvation...  but again, I'm not sure why scripture brings rewards up at all - let alone in several places, if we're not suppose to be influenced by the idea.  

As far as I understand, the Book of Life is what we're thankful that our names our written in because that means we have salvation through Christ.   The other books are our works which will also be judged and if they are not eternal (hay, wood, straw) they will be burned up and we will suffer loss (we will have regret), but the believer will still have salvation because they believed in Jesus and their name is in the Book of Life.  But if our works are eternal (silver, gold, precious stones) we will receive some reward according to our labor (I Cor. 3:8).  As far as I understand our sin and our works are 2 different things... because our sins are gone as far as the east is from the west, so Praise God, we never have to see those ugly things again...  Now as far as the works are concerned... what's eternal?   the Word of God, so knowing and treasuring the Word of God in our hearts is eternal, I believe prayer is at least partially eternal based on the prayer bowls in Rev. 5.   Our relationship with Jesus is eternal, people's souls are eternal, per Matt. 6, giving, praying and fasting (haven't I mentioned fasting on another post) have the potential of reward... not sure if it's eternal or not...  Again, the CRC, at least in my experience, stays away from any reward idea other than salvation which of course isn't a reward but a gift, and our reward should be hell, that's what we deserve for our sin - which is true.   So can't say I remember too many, if any sermons or teachings on rewards other than we shouldn't do things focusing on the reward, but simply out of gratitude.

I do think about how I'm spending my resources, ie time, energy, finances, whether they  are temporal or eternal, but, as far as end times stuff, I find the discussions interesting, but my very simple position, is whatever happens - whether it's pre, post, or mid trib, pre, post, or no millenial, rapture, or none of the above, I trust God - He promises He will not leave or forsake me and He will watch over me, including every hair on my head, and so I will be ready every day so that when that time comes for me I'm ready.  I'm wearing His garments of salvation, and His Robes of righteousness and ready for that wedding supper of the Lamb - King Jesus.


Ok, definitely interested in anyone else's understanding of these concepts....  so thank you Mr. Vander Zee for being brave in bringing up this "iron sharpening iron" discussion...

thanks for all your hard work, crc staff... enjoyed being able to watch it live, enjoyed connecting with other's that are addicted to watching synod, Oh, I mean are passionate about synod.     Thank you for breaking out Moses Chung's speech in a separate clip.... if this isn't too much work would you be able to break it out with the intro by James (about 1 minute earlier)?  I want to forward that section to my church. many  thx.

Praise God!!! thanks for being honest about this...let me state up front, that I love the CRC, and have been a part of it all my life...but I love the Kingdom of God more!!  I pray that our vision will expand beyond the CRC walls, and we will connect on greater levels, in worship with congregations of other "streams"/denominations.  I have found that God really honors when we connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ, that are from different congregations and denominations as well as our own.  It broadens our perspective of His Kingdom, and grows our love for each other.  I have witnessed wonderful breakthroughs as believers have prayed together in unity, again crossing denominational barriers...earlier this year, the local prayer center invited all the pastors (150-200) from the area to come together for prayer...there were over 40 pastors that came, from probably about 30 different churches, that prayed and had communion together.  The testimonies from that gathering are beautiful and powerful.  (some of the pastors on this network were there!)

One of my biggest struggles, is with our hesitation with, no - I will say it more bluntly, our fear of the Holy Spirit.  Fear of the "manifestations" that are not what we are used to.  I could write on this a long time, but I will succinctly say, that we can learn alot from our Pentecostal brethren, who have been more completely walking in step with the Spirit much longer than we have.  I sense that we are cautiously treading forth, and granted we can point to some of the extreme and even bizarre manifestations as a reason for not going that direction too swiftly.  But I have found, as I have worshipped, prayed, and talked with my brothers and sisters, that we have much to offer each other.   On the one hand, a pentecostal pastor shared that he wished that there was more reverence in the worship at his church...well, we definitely have that, if that's what you want to call it...while I'm praying for more freedom in our worship, instead of the stiff, stoic reserve.   Believe you me, I know CRC members can praise exuberantly, just go to any local sporting event.  SO, what's holding us back during worship of the ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!!!  OF HIS PRECIOUS SON WHO POURED OUT HIS LIFE to the point He was unrecognizable as a man.  My heart breaks, with our reasons/excuses.  Anyway, that (high praise -Ps. 149:6 NKJV) is an entire discussion in itself (and one of the things i believe we have mostly missed).

Again, my heart breaks for what we have missed in our tradition.  I have to remind myself often, of how far we have come and the good growth that is happening.  PTL!!  But when I hear similar statements about being thankful for the reformed tradition, for whatever reason I am burdened, it seems like the areas we have missed are on my heart right now.

The LORD gave me a picture in the natural, it's even on DVD (would you like to see it?), of a passionate (non-CRC) pastor/intercessor sharing on the supremacy of Christ and restoring the tabernacle of David (both are an entire discussion in and of themselves).  He was sharing at a CRC church, and so the messages were given in front of the pulpit, with the CRC symbol of the Trinitarian triangle and cross in the background.  That gave me hope for our denomination, whatever it might look like, when we embrace/focus on the supremacy of Christ (not humanitarianism), raise up missional worshippers and connect beyond our denomination, that there will be a new life, a vibrancy to our faith.

We talk about accepting diversity...I believe we have to go beyond accepting, and celebrate it.

Let's see, did I mention honor...honoring each other is huge.

Ok, you also mentioned people attending the CRC who cannot be involved in leadership due to minor differences of that I'm struggling with is mentioned under the CRC positional statements of pentecostalism...that those who believe in the 2nd blessing as one of the ways we are baptized in the Spirit, cannot be in leadership roles...or something to that effect.   Here's what the CRC position states:

Church members who believe the “second blessing” teaching are disqualified from holding office, but not everyone who claims to have certain charismatic experiences is by that fact alone disqualified. The Spirit-filled church must judge what gifts of the Spirit may or should be employed in the exercise of the offices.   Ag

Again, this is an entire discussion...but I've found that those who have experienced the 2nd blessing or whatever we want to call it, have a vibrancy to their faith and prayer life that I have not found often in our denomination, either that or it's buried deep and maybe it's time to uncover it.

I really do want to honor the CRC, and sense that God will break open the floodgates, but we've got some purifying and purging ahead of us.


So, again, bless your heart for being bold and brave and starting this discussion...again, my heart is to honor the CRC, but we do need an honest assessment of where things are not healthy, to prune that which is not bearing fruit. 


ps...we would really stink (with pride) if we think we have a corner on the truth... that's not a place I want to be... and that's probably why God made spread it out over all the "streams", so we wouldn't have this "elite" mentality.





Again, thank you for sharing your heart...I'm so glad you did...I had brought up a denominational concern last year to a local CRC leader, and the response was basically "no one really cares, and if they did, nothing's going to change at the denominational level" about discouragement and frustration...these issues have been on my heart, and I don't know what God is going to do about them, but I know He wants us walking more fully in step with His Spirit, and bearing more fruit for His I will keep praying into this, as your post is a very encouraging confirmation that He is putting similar thoughts on other believers hearts!

Well...maybe one of our aromas is the almond family, ie a study on the almond branch in scripture, it's interesting...that's what Aaron's rod was, an almond branch because when it sprouted, there were almond blossoms and almonds (Numbers 17:8)...the candlesticks were designed with almond blossoms as the cups (Ex. 25:31; Zech 4:2), and when God asked Jeremiah what do you see. and jeremiah said a branch, it was from an almond tree (Jeremiah 1:11)...  anyway, an interesting possibility about our denomination...

I have read the '73 and the '09 reports on pentecostalism from synod.  and I am very grateful for the forward motion these represent...Praise God, we no longer officially endorse cessationism...although i do run into it still, with a flat out "God doesn't do that anymore" response to some "supernatural" testimonies.  God's working on me to honor these godly believers even though we are on different pages (or on different "wave"lengths) in regard to how the Holy Spirit is working today.

In regard to high praise...I do feel this has been an aspect we have missed, and to support that, just look up Ps.149:6 in the NIV and in almost any other version, and note the difference.  Another scripture regarding praise, that I'm digging into the various translations on, is Ps. 22:3...the NIV is unique, as far as I can tell, in how it translates it...  Through this focus on v3 (PTL!), I have also gained beautiful insight into Jesus suffering on the cross through this psalm during this Lenten season, since Ps. 22 is a messianic prophecy.  I wouldn't have been digging into it to the level I am, other than I was working on further insight on v3.

So, yes, the LORD is working on my heart, for the areas where I am not in one accord with the denomination I am in, to respect the authority of the denomination, but yet to be honest about issues/concepts/doctrines I'm struggling with.  I sense that He doesn't want us glossing over these areas anymore, but refining them - sharpening each other.  There is much gold in the CRC, but there is refining that needs to be done to consume the dross.   Are we willing to go through the refining, are we even willing to admit that we need refining?  Do we even want to be refined, or are we pretty comfortable with how things are?

God is connecting across denominational lines, just this morning someone shared a beautiful testimony on this in their life. 

Praise God!

That's very cool!  Tim.  thanks for sharing, keep us posted.  Love the Is. 58 theme!   One ministry (non-denominational) I'm involved with is renting the parsonage of a crc church, and using it somewhat as a communal living home, but also to host people from around the world as they come to visit people connected with the prayer ministry, or to participate in or "observe" our prayer ministry as it's unique in some ways.  We call the house the "Gatekeeper House" after the gatekeepers King David financed for the temple (I Chron. 26) One amazing couple has been led to live there and oversee all the comings and goings, and it is amazing the richness of diversity we have seen in people flowing through.  They got some of their "training" at the Jesus Haus in Hernnhut, Germany, home of the Moravians. 

there is so much potential... 

hope to listen to the sermon soon =)

I have been listening to a lot of messianic music lately (look up chavah messianic radio if interested), and a lot of it is straight scripture, especially Paul Wilbur's songs...    here's just a taste  =)


in this song, the Shema by Paul Wilbur (Deut 6:4), you can even learn the Shema in Hebrew =)  but most of the song is in English... ;


Medley: Let God Arise (Psalm 68:1-3)/ It is Good (Psalm 92:1-5,12-13; / Roni Roni (Zeph 3:14);  again performed by Paul Wilbur


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