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    I hope you take this the correct way, you are exhibiting wisdom of the Spirit. I know the Spirit well and you my friend are walking with him. I am not a Pentecostal but I look for Spirit in most conversations. Just remember you have to the correct motive for Him to work and you must remain humble. God bless you


Old thread but after returning to network after continuing illness, captcha and login requirements are more difficult. I really don'tsee the need anymore. What are we protecting ?  I'm not worried about my password because who is going to hack a account when you can join annoymously? What are we protecting other than spam which can be blocked other ways. Thanks

Ken Libolt on December 8, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I don't know you. I just commented on your attitude toward change. Nothing more should be implied.

Why are you so upset? God is in control of his church that exists across denominations and out of buildings or insitutions. He does not need my or your help to save his church unless you feel Spirit driven to make these remarks. Change is scary and I agree it can be confusing if we don't keep our eyes looking for His footsteps.


  It is a magazine cover. It is moot to any issue on the Lord,s supper in most peoples minds. That is why you are not raising  interest with the question.

Posted in: Genesis - Again!

If there was no macro evolution, then all species have existed together at some point. God would have had to create over time or the ark would have to be bigger plus the fossils should show modern animals with the dinosaurs. You people realize this isn't that important to what we are supposed to be doing?

So you believe that the people pushing this Belhar are giving lip service to racism and that the Bible does not give the poor a "special" treatment. You also think the Belhar as being an agenda of liberation theology by the people who promote the it. You also believe the Belhar should have been a testimony and not a confession. You believe it lacks theological adequacy and  is also ambiguous because as you say one of the writers has a different approach to homosexuality. You also indicate that this may stem from one main incident. You are also concerned about the Contempt. confession being  abandoned when it speaks to this issue of racism. You also indicate that we or some of us do not understand the how isidious racism is. Did I miss anything Randy?



 Well here,s my rebuke. What I refering to Is Mr Cooper is no more qualified than anyone eles in these matters including me and you. You took my words anjd applied them as if i'm degrading Mr. Cooper. You keep missing the point. This is a issue of the heart not the mind. Randy, I'm not going to treat you like your treating me so if you want to get angry go ahead. I would like you to lay it all out Randy. I will continue to pray for everyone and suggest praying to everyone.I'm broken and your broken Randy so that is the problem. I will admit to sinfulness but can you?

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